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Titolo: Brooklyn's Last Secret
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Leslie Stein
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781770466340
ISBN: 9781770466340
Publisher: Drawn and Quarterly
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 07/03/2023
Description: A rip-roaring journey through the highs and lows of tour life. Welcome aboard the tour van of Major Threat Brooklyn s finest rock band yet to catch a break as they traverse the US of A on a last-ditch summer festival tour. On drums we ve got band dad Ed, the stoic drummer who keeps bumping into tech bro co-workers that he can't quite relate to. On bass, there s Paul, a man of mostly mystery, who drinks hard and yet manages to glide through life, intelligible to no one except energy-drink guzzling Marco, the baby of the band and newest replacement lead singer. And of course there's the gentle and serene Lilith, a weed lollipop sucking, stuffed-animal backpack wearing guitarist healing from heartbreak. There s sex, drugs, and rock n roll, sure, but there s also tender moments as the motley crew take turns behind the wheel, compiling lists of the hottest hunks and best guitar riffs to pass the miles. From tour fashion to breakdowns mechanical and emotional Leslie Stein holds no bars in this incredibly funny and heartfelt love-letter meets parody of life on the road. Her first full-length fiction, Brooklyn's Last Secret expertly showcases Stein s trademark cocktail of charm, wit, and whimsey, leaving readers decidedly affected by their time spent in her world. With her smoothest line and most stunning watercolor washes to date, Brooklyn's Last Secret reveals a lighter, more humorous tone from the LA Times Book Prize winning cartoonist.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: CA
Altezza: 210mm
Lunghezza: 171mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2023

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