Dogs Are Better Than People Illustrated Mug Cup Great Gift Choose Your Breed


Dogs Are Better Than People Illustrated Mug Cup Great Gift Choose Your Breed

Show your love for your dog with our great range of pet gifts, all illustrated by our talented designers.


Sublimation Printed

An 10oz ceramic mug with image shown

- Packaged in a specially made smash proof box to ensure your mug is delivered to you safely.

- Each mug is printed on both sides with high quality designs. Making sure the image is consistent and up to standard on every mug. We print thousands of these mugs a year in our UK printing facility & our quality is second to none.

-Dishwasher safe up to 250 washes

-We have a great range of pet related items ready for your celebration check out our shop for more details

Supporting a small business - We are a small business in Nottinghamshire UK


 Orders are dispatched within 3 working days and so arrive within 5-7 working days for UK delivery. For international orders please allow from 14-28 days.  

The best way to contact us is through the eBay messaging system.


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