"Whatever You Do... Don't FALL asleep.."

"Glen's Bad Dream" - 12 x 12 - Acrylic - 2020. Here's a painting I made inspired by the 1984 original horror classic, "A Nightmare on Elm Street." I remember it as being the first true horror slasher film I ever saw. I thought it was such a fun and entertaining popcorn film. I loved the characters, the story and it's certainly one of if not my favorite slasher film. I always felt it was a cut above the rest of in terms of imagination and fantasy terror. What hooked me about this story was not all the gore but what it said about psychology, sleep deprivation and dreams. The idea of a dead killer being able to invade and haunt teenagers in their dreams and murder them in their sleep was something I found interesting and frightening. It was a challenge and a pleasure to do my own tribute to this film. Glen Lantz (Johnny Depp) in his first film role makes the mistake of falling asleep while listening to records and watching television. This gives hideous fiend, Fred Krueger the chance to terrorize him.

The painting was created on a 12 x 12 pre stretched canvas.