The Complete Guide To Building The Brandenburg Gate : Brandenburger Tor Zum Selb.

Product Category : Books

Title : The Complete Guide To Building The Brandenburg Gate : Brandenburger Tor Zum Selberbuen

Authors : David Clarke,Thomas Siwek

Binding : Paperback

Publisher : TACO

Publication Date : 1986-01-01

Condition : Good

Classification Notes : Oversized.

Very good condition. This book has heavy card stock pages for use in building the Brandenburg gate. Tools are required. Information is listed in the book. Requires an X-Acto knife, glue, etc. A good school project book, or great collectible. Look measures 12.25" x 9.25".

From the back of the book:The Brandenburg gate was originally an entrance to what had been the splendid capital city of Berlin. Today at stands near the border between two opposing systems. Formerly a symbol of Prussian pride it has changed into a reminder of the importance of peace.

(SCALE 1:100, HEIGHT 30 cm,

LENGTH 70 cm)