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Albion: Land of Faerie, from Ares #11, complete game

New.  This is a remake of a classic stand alone game from SPIs Ares magazine.  
  • 200 x 1/2" square double sided counters, 1.5mm thick
  • 1 page of tables printed on 160gms light card
  • 16 x pages of rules 
  • 4 x A3 map printed on heavy 170gms silk paper (complete map size approx 830 x 584mm /  32.6 x 23 inches) 
Note 1: Some minor resizing of the maps to fit them on A3 
Note 2: All A3 maps will be delivered folded

Albion: Land of Faerie presents a fantasy war of Trolls versus Faeries and Humans in the Enchanted Isles (Britain and Ireland).

In the year 2679 (399 B.C, according to modern reckoning), Auberon, King of Albion, sailed in search of Jotunheim. With him sailed his court magician, Corin the Shaper, the Champion of Leinster, Ogme Ironfist, and a hundred of the flower of Faerie nobility in five great sailing ships, They were to be gone a year.

Nearly three months to the day after Auberon departed Albion, the Trolls of
Strathclyde brought before Grogan~ their Warchief, a young Elven captain captured in a border mid into Albion. Put to the question, the soldier revealed what he knew of the King's absence, On the advice of his court witch, Callach, the Troll warchief despatched his captive north into the land of Moray there to once again be put to the question for the edification of Imric Troll-Lord, Master of Moray and Speaker of the Clans.

As leader of the Fomorian Confederation Of the North. It was Imric's task to weigh the effect of such information upon the tenuous balance of power between the Fomorians and their hereditary enemies, the Elves. And so it was that Imric weighed and pondered and came at last to a decision. And that decision was war.

Albion: Land of Faerie, is a game of strategy for two players. set against the backdrop of the Third Fomorian War of 2680, which weakened the power of Faerie in the Enchanted Isles (present day Ireland and England) and paved the way for the domination of men, One player (the Fomorian player) controls the Trolls (also called Fomorians) of the Confederation of the North (present day Scotland), Connaught, Munster, and the Eastmarch, as well as the Troll allies, the Humans (called Mundanes) of The Borders. The Weald and The Eastmarch The other player (the Faerie player) controls the Elvish Kingdoms of Albion, Gwynedff. Ulster, and Leinster and the allied Gnomes of the Hearthstead of Curwyllan.

The players alternately move pieces representing the forces and persons under their control across a map of ancient Britain and Ireland and use these pieces to attack each other, to capture strategic objectives, and to otherwise fulfil their victory conditions in the scenario being played.