Complete set of 541 copies of his notes. 

    They include copies of different prints and copies of replacements. 
Carlson Chambliss Replicas Since all series of MPCs are now obsolete and invalid as currency, the possibility of legally manufacturing replicas of these notes was investigated by author of this catalog. Extensive correspondence with the U.S. Secret Service confirmed this assumption, although such a project could not have been legally undertaken immediately after 1973, the year in which MPC's ceased to circulate. 
    Claims for conversion of some series of MPCs in the possession of widows or other dependents were being considered as late as September 30, 1980, after which date all MPCs ceased to be redeemable to anyone. 
    The only questions raised about making modern replicas concerned the unissued Series 691 and 701, which according to legislation enacted in the early 1970s were to be placed in storage for possible future use. As has been noted, however, most examples of these notes were eventually destroyed without these items having ever been authorized as currency. 
    The enactment requiring two series of MPCs to be held in storage for possible emergency use was finally rescinded in 2003. Since Series 691 and 701 never served as currency, the manufacture of replicas of these items thus is also permitted. Accordingly, in 2002 Dr. Chambliss contracted to have full color authentic replicas printed to include one each of all the major varieties of MPCs. In all cases the original notes used to prepare the plates were examples from his personal collection. 
    The replicas were printed by the National Advertising Manufacturing Co. of Allentown, PA. The method used was four-color offset lithography. 
    The full set of replicas consists of 107 varieties which includes all 95 notes of Series 461 through 692 (including both $1's of Series481 and the fractional notes of Series 651) plus the first and second printings of Series 691 and the second printing of Series 701. They were printed in three different sheet formats - the fractionals in sheets of 100, the $1 notes and short $5 notes in sheets of 70 (42 $1s and 28 $5s), and the larger size notes in sheets of 56. All notes of a given format were printed on the same sheet, but spacing considerations dictated that varying numbers of notes be printed for the different series. These ranged from one note per sheet each for most items in Series 461, 471, 472, and the first printing of Series 691 to four to six examples each for the popular Series 681.
     The faces of the replicas bear no distinguishing marks, but the word COPY is indelibly scanned in on the back sides of all of these items. 
     This word is typically about 14 x 4 mm in size and is printed in a variety of fonts in either black or red (magenta). The word COPY was chosen over FACSIMILE due in part to its shorter length, but the specifics of this feature are in full accord with the provisions enacted for paper money replicas under the Hobby Protection Act. It is an integral part of the back design and not an overprint on all of these replicas, and it is quite indelible. All notes were printed on 28" x 40" (711 x 1016 mm) sheets.