Shanghai Chenhua CHI111 Silver-Silver Chloride Reference Electrode CHI112 Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode R0303

CHI111 silver chloride electrode
CHI112 non-mercury electrode
R0303 silver chloride electrode


1. Silver chloride reference electrode-----corresponding use---neutral solution
2. Saturated calomel reference electrode---corresponding use---neutral solution
3. Mercurous sulfate reference electrode---corresponding use---acid solution
4. Mercury-mercury oxide reference electrode--corresponding use---alkaline solution
Shanghai Chenhua brand: CHI111 silver silver chloride electrode: the diameter of the glass tube is 4mm.
Shanghai Chenhua brand: CHI112 is a non-mercury electrode! There is no solution in the electrode,
You can choose the solution to add.
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Shanghai Yueci brand: R0303 type silver silver chloride electrode: the diameter of the glass tube is 3.8mm, and the inner solution is KCL saturated potassium chloride solution.
Shanghai Yueci brand: R0306 type silver silver chloride electrode: glass tube diameter 6mm. (Other product links)
Shanghai Yueci brand: R0304 type is a non-mercury electrode: there is no solution in the electrode, the diameter of the glass tube is 3.8mm,
You can choose the solution to add. (But organic solvents cannot be added!!!)
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The difference between CHI111 and R0303: different sizes! Different brands! Same performance!
The difference between CHI112 and R0304: different sizes! Different brands! Same performance!
Product description note: The original CHI111 type is a PTFE stopper at the bottom of the glass, which is easy to push out when adding liquid.
Now it is changed to a sintered ceramic sand core. (Better performance)
111 silver silver chloride electrode Ag/AgCl (silver/silver chloride) reference electrode,
R0303 Yue magnetic brand, silver silver chloride electrode, different size brand.
112 is a non-mercury electrode non-aqueous Ag/Ag+ (silver/silver ion) reference electrode.
112 silver ion electrode, non-mercury electrode, generally measuring non-aqueous solution, there is no solution in the electrode, you can choose the solution to add. (But do not add organic solvents, specific additives, it is best to consult the manufacturer to test different substances and add different solutions before buying)
111 silver chloride electrode, the filling liquid in the glass tube is 3.0M potassium chloride, the solution is installed. Can be used directly
Special note: The product is not suitable for organic solvents, organic solvents can be tested, but the electrodes are more likely to be damaged.
Silver Chloride Electrode Tips for adding liquid: unplug the glass tube, first use a syringe to add liquid to the glass tube, then add liquid to the PTFE sleeve, and then insert the glass tube into the PTFE sleeve.
Reason: Because if there is no liquid in the PTFE cap, air will push the liquid out of the glass. When the PTFE is added, the glass is also added, and the excess liquid is squeezed out to balance.
Yue Magnetic R0303 has the same performance as 111 and is easier to disassemble than 111. After long-term sales to customers, the 111 glass tube is more difficult to disassemble.
R0303 electrode size: the diameter of the glass part is 4mm, the length of the glass part is 5 cm, the diameter of the tetrafluoro part is 6mm, and the length of the tetrafluoro part is 25mm.
The wetted part of the product is made of porous ceramics. Each electrode will leak when the protective cap is removed. This is a normal phenomenon. The electrode liquid can be added by itself. If customers who do not know think it is a product quality problem, please do not buy it. The product leakage belongs to normal phenomenon.
If calomel electrode or silver chloride electrode is used to test alkaline or acidic liquid, the electrode will exchange ion with the tested acidic or alkaline electrolyte.
That is, alkaline liquid or acid reverse osmosis into the electrode
The electrode is saturated with potassium chloride neutral liquid
Once a certain amount of alkaline liquid or acidic liquid is infiltrated, the electrode will deteriorate and become easily damaged.
In the literature, the saturated calomel electrode is used to measure alkaline or acidic liquids. This statement is true, but the damage of the electrode is not considered. As far as the electrode itself is concerned, it is recommended to select the corresponding electrode to test the corresponding liquid.
Mercurous sulfate tests acidic liquids, saturated calomel electrodes, silver chloride electrodes, neutral liquids, and mercury oxide electrodes. When measuring alkaline liquids, please select the correct electrode to avoid damage to the electrode and affect the test data.
Warranty period: 120 days