If you've ever wondered how to make rope in the forest it can be a very daunting task. In the forest how to make rope is an incredibly time consuming task, and can take several minutes just to make a few inches of rope, much less enough to actually use for a real task. Now, we've figured out a way to make dozens of feet of cordage in seconds, using wilderness garbage, and items commonly found just about anywhere, the plastic bottle!

Tool Specs:

  • Necklace Tools – This dog tag sized bushcraft cordage maker is the same size as modern dog tags like military issue and carries perfectly on a survival necklace.
  • Plastic Rope Made in Seconds - Just a few seconds and you can have dozens of feet of high strength heat moldable survival rope.
  • Keychain Compatible – Make a survival rope maker keychain with the small ball-chain necklace connector included with each dog tag size tool, the dog tag size of this item makes it perfect for an EDC kit keychain.
  • Fits into Many Tins and containers – This Dog Tag size plastic bottle rope maker Tool fits into a standard Altoids sized mint tin 3 tools wide, work great in an empty pill bottle survival kit or a mini sized mint tin for a compact ultralight emergency survival kit.
  • Ultra Lightweight – This Dog Tag Tool is just a few millimeters thick and weighs in at under 1/2 ounce.
  • Stainless Steel Necklace – The Grim Dog Tag Tools are fully hardened for maximum strength and durability for a lifetime of use.
  • Proudly Made in the USA – This Rope making tool was designed, prototyped, manufactured, and had its materials sourced right here in the USA.
  • Dimensions - 38× 2 18 " x 1mm thick
The Grim dog tag survival rope maker were created to be the same size as a standard military issue dog tag and make cordage from trash bottles. Grim’s dog tag sized tools are a perfect custom necklace for men or women and are designed to be worn as a survival necklace means it’s easily carried with you every day making it an incredibly accessible tool kit and always available in a pinch!

This Dog Tag sized rope making tool is perfect to include in a standard Altoids sized survival kit, and they fit three side by side per level into such a tin. This allows you to put an incredible amount of gear inside a tin as large as an Altoids Tin. Grim’s Dog Tag Tools really shine whenever they are stored in an even smaller mini survival kits that can be carried even more places for additional carry options.

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