Quote1.png I don't want any part of that fancy pants dinner! Quote2.png
The Thing

Appearing in "Prisoners of Kurrgo, Master of Planet X"

Reprint of the 1st story from 
Fantastic Four #7

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Synopsis for "Prisoners of Kurrgo, Master of Planet X"

Reprint of the 1st story from 
Fantastic Four #7
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Part 1:

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Kurrgo the ruler of Planet X[Continuity 1] is seeking to find a way to save his world from a runaway asteroid that is poised to strike the planet causing an extinction level event. Monitoring the Fantastic Four on Earth, Kurrgo believes that only they can help save his doomed world. This is because the people of Planet X had previously found no reason to explore space and as such only have two working spaceships. Kurrgo takes one of these ships to bring him and his robot to Earth.

On Earth, the Fantastic Four have been invited to attend a government dinner in Washington D.C., although most of the team worries that their powers will cause them to be regarded as freaks or cause embarrassment to themselves, however, they all decide to go when Reed does not accept any of their excuses to bow out. Reed points out to them that he is less than thrilled to go either since he is in the middle of developing a new rocket fuel, but insists that they must attend this social gathering. As they fly to Washington in the Fantasti-Car, Kurrgo's ship lands and his robot uses its atomic scanner to locate the Fantastic Four. As the heroes attend the dinner and are awarded a trophy for their work, Kurrgo activates a Hostility Ray that makes the people of Washington hostile. 

Part 2:

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This also includes the guests at the dinner who begin attacking the Fantastic Four. Not wanting to hurt the civilians, the Four flee the dinner, using their powers to get past the armed guards who try to bar their path. They board the Fantasti-Car and fly back to New York when they notice that they are being followed by Kurrgo's ship and try to flee it, but it follows them the whole way back to their headquarters the Baxter Building.

Part 3:

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There Kurrgo's robot reveals itself to them and shows how the entire population of Earth now hates the Fantastic Four and that they have swarmed the Baxter Building to try and get at the super group. With no other choice, Reed and the others agree to board Kurrgo's ship and return with them to Planet X. 

Part 4:

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When they arrive on the planet, they learn that Kurrgo has summoned them to use Reed Richard's intelligence to find a way to save his people. Johnny and Ben try to fight against Kurrgo's robot, but Sue makes them stand down and Reed agrees to help. Learning that they have only two working space ships and no time to build more and no means of destroying the asteroid.

Part 5:

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Reed devises a shrinking gas that he uses to shrink the entire population of the planet so that they can fit in one rocket, giving the only supposed cannister of growing gas to Kurrgo.[Continuity 2] As the Fantastic Four blast off back to Earth in one ship, the people of Planet X pile into another. Kurrgo has decided to withhold the growing gas so that he could rule over his diminutive subjects for the rest of his life. However as the planet begins to crumble, Kurrgo trips and falls and witnesses in horror as the ship containing his people blasts off without him. The Fantastic Four meanwhile rocket back home to Earth where Reed reveals to them that he deceived Kurrgo, as he did not create an enlarging gas, telling his teammates that in the vast universe size is relative and that the people of Planet X will find a suitable home, regardless of their actual size.

Appearing in "The Stronghold of Doctor Strange!"

Reprint of the 1st story from 
Tales of Suspense #41

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Synopsis for "The Stronghold of Doctor Strange!"

Reprint of the 1st story from 
Tales of Suspense #41

While at a charity fundraiser for a children's hospital, Anthony Stark donates $100,000 dollars and states that he has contacted his friend Iron Man to entertain the children the next day. He receives much applause from the crowd, as well as the adoration of his girlfriend. Stark explains to the girl that he has far too many responsibilities to make a good husband. He has munitions plants to look after, scientific research to conduct, as well as his work for the US Department of Defense. He doesn't tell her about his secret life as Iron Man or the metal chest plate he must constantly wear in order to keep his injured heart beating. 

The next day, Iron Man wows the kids at the children's hospital by hovering in the sky and juggling an assortment of cars. He also catches a cannonball fired at him with his bare hands and crushes it! In a nearby prison, a diabolical plan is about to come into fruition. The villainous Doctor Strange has heard of Iron Man's publicity and he has rigged up a device from tiny electronic parts confiscated from the radios he was permitted to work on in the prison workshop. He feigns a dizzy spell and is led by prison guards back to his cell, where he activates his device and hypnotizes Iron Man! He sends a mental command that orders Iron Man to free him from the prison. 

Iron Man walks like a zombie through the prison, tearing down the walls until he finally locates and frees Doctor Strange. He evades the prison guard’s gunfire by flying him away from them. With Iron Man under his mental control, Doctor Strange devises a plan to dominate the world in order to impress his estranged daughter, Carla and make up for the many years that he neglected her for his criminal career. 

Doctor Strange releases Iron Man from his mental grip and sets forth to hatch his plans for world domination. On an island somewhere off the Atlantic coast of the United States, he shows his daughter Carla her new home and introduces her to his new cadre of associates, some of the most cunning scientists and power-mad military men on Earth. 

Doctor Strange launches an “S-Bomb" into the upper atmosphere as a demonstration of his destructive power, and then threatens to destroy the entire planet unless every nation surrenders to him within 24 hours. Several nations trace his broadcast and launch nuclear weapons at his island, which is protected by a virtually indestructible force field. 

Iron Man approaches the island by submarine and, correctly figuring that the force field would not extend below the surface of the water, tunnels into the island base from below. Once inside, he witnesses Doctor Strange and his daughter bickering over his recent deeds. Carla is appalled at her father's despotic plans and evil nature. Iron Man smashes Doctor Strange’s electrical generators, accidentally short circuiting his armor and draining its power supply in the process. Iron Man is completely helpless until Carla tosses him a flashlight containing two batteries, which Iron Man uses to recharge his armor. His plot thwarted and fearing Iron Man, Doctor Strange vanishes from the premises, saying goodbye to his “foolish" daughter.

Appearing in 3rd story

Reprint of the 2nd story from 
Strange Tales #111

Synopsis for 3rd story

Reprint of the 2nd story from 
Strange Tales #111

Appearing in "The Monster and the Machine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from 
Incredible Hulk #4

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Synopsis for "The Monster and the Machine!"

Reprint of the 1st story from 
Incredible Hulk #4

Betty Ross is milling about the Desert Base. She reflects upon recent events, particularly the lives of Bruce Banner, Rick Jones, and the incredible Hulk. She finds her father General Ross who is testing the effectiveness of his prototype "Iceberg Rocket" against a facsimile of the Hulk. A jet-powered faux Hulk is launched into the air, and the rocket targets the projectile, encasing it in a block of ice. Ross is satisfied with the test, confident that this rocket will succeed in capturing the real Hulk. He then sends his soldiers out to track down the Hulk.

Meanwhile, Rick Jones is inside his cottage with the true Hulk, who is still under his mental control due to an accidental overdose of cosmic radiation. When Rick sees soldiers coming to capture him, he orders the Hulk to flee. Without a word, the Hulk leaps away and lands in a nearby town. 

General Ross is convinced that Rick Jones knows more about the Hulk then he lets on. He interrogates Rick at length, but when the boy refuses to cooperate, Ross has him arrested. Rick sends out a telepathic S.O.S. to the Hulk. The Hulk turns back and super-jumps his way to Rick's location. He scoops him out of the army jeep and leaps away. Rick directs him to Doctor Banner's secret cave. Once inside, he places the Hulk in front of a gamma ray projector. After reading some of Banner's notes, he activates the device, and the Hulk transforms back into Bruce Banner. 

After careful study, Banner concludes that regulated doses of gamma radiation might give him the power to control his transformations. After making some adjustments to the projector, he has Rick use it on him, this time instigating the change into the Hulk. The Hulk now has the intelligence of Bruce Banner, but he still maintains the machismo brutishness of the Hulk. Rick is happy for the Hulk and more than a little scared. 

The Hulk decides that he wants to commit good deeds. He goes outside of town where he finds a farmhouse on fire. The Hulk tears away the burning wall of the house and pitches them into the distance. Though the family inside is now safe, they are terrified of the monster's presence. The Hulk then takes Rick back to the secret cave where another dose of gamma rays turns him back into Bruce Banner.