Muscle Rage Dry-Out Natural Diuretic (120 caps)

Get super lean and eliminate water the all natural way with Dry-Out

Dry-Out is taking over where Tidal left off. This is our natural diuretic solution.

If you’re gearing up for a competition, chasing after the ultimate lean physique, excess water can be a roadblock between you and vascularity.

Formulated with natural ingredients, Dry-Out flushes out excess water. Giving you that rock hard, lean look.

Perfect if you’re getting competition ready, prepping for a photoshoot or a wedding day, anywhere you need to look your best.

What is in Muscle Rage Dry-Out:

Dry-Out is made up of a Dry-Out Matrix, Electrolyte Matrix and an Absorption Matrix:

Dry-Out Matrix:

Cactinea™ (Opuntia ficus-indica)(Prickly Pear) – Cactinea™ is a patented form of the prickly pear fruit. Research has shown that Cactinea™ can increase the elimination of excess water by up to 27%.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale, root) 4:1 extract – Dandelion acts as a natural diuretic, allowing for elimination of excess water.

Green Tea (Camellia sinesis, leaf) extract 45% EGCG – Green tea is well known for boosting the metabolism, allowing the body to use up excess fat as energy, leading to lower body fat percentage. It’s also a potent natural diuretic.

Juniper Berry (Juniper Communis) 4:1 extract – Another natural diuretic, Juniper Berries help the body to shift excess water. They are also a rich source of antioxidants.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum, leaf) 4:1 extract – Parsley is a natural diuretic and works to increase urination, moving excess water out of the body. It’s also rich in Vitamin C and a good source of antioxidants.

Electrolyte Matrix:

Potassium (as Potassium Chloride), Magnesium (as Magnesium Citrate), Calcium (as Calcium Citrate) – Electrolytes are an important part of any diet when fasting or loosing weight. Keeping your energy levels up, and reducing the risk of complete dehydration.

Absorption Matrix:

Black Pepper Extract (Piper Nigrum) – Black Pepper extract is used to help the body to absorb all the nutrients it can from the ingredients above, increasing effectiveness and bioavailability.


As a food supplement, for standard use take 4 capsules a day for 4/8 weeks. For professional competition prep, take 8 capsules throughout the day for a 15 day cycle.