Our Hand Carved wooden wall art - Bohemian Mandala is the perfect addition to any room in your home. Whether you're looking to add a touch of whimsy to your children's room or want to bring a touch of spirituality to your living space, this mandala is a beautiful choice. The intricate detailing and hand-carved design make each piece truly unique. This wall art makes a great gift idea for any occasion and is sure to be appreciated by anyone.

Size: 37 x 61 cm*
Colour: Distressed White
Material: Manufactured Board

* Due to the handmade nature of our items, small variations in size, colour, shape, pattern, or other characteristics may be evident. Each piece should be considered a truly unique work of art, lovingly crafted by hand. The natural quality of the wood in this piece is showcased by the care put into carving it. Each piece is finished individually, creating a truly unique work of art.
