"Das Leben der Urwelt. Aus den Tagen der grossen Saurier."

"The life of the prehistoric world. From the days of the big dinosaurs"

no reserve - rare



Tafel 28 - Riesiger Raubsaurier von mindestens 5 Meter Höhe bei 10 Metern Gesamtlänge greift einen Hornsaurier an, der durch starke Hörner und einen Knochenkragen über dem Genick geschützt ist. Ort der Handlung oberste Kreidezeit von Nordamerika.


Tafel 29 - Ersthornsaurier beim Eierlegen. Nach Funden in der Wüste Gobi wiederhergestellt. Die Tiere waren 2,70 Meter lang, die zahlreich moch erhaltenen Eier maßen 30cm.

FRONT: Huge carnivorous dinosaur at least 5 meters high by 10 meters overall length attacks a horned dinosaur protected by strong horns and a bony collar over the scruff. The story takes place in the upper Cretaceous period of North America.

BACK: First horn dinosaur laying eggs. Recovered from finds in the Gobi desert. The animals were 2.70 meters long, the numerous eggs that were preserved measured 30 cm.

This original antique lithograph (front- and backside!) is taken from the 1st edition of Boelsche's world famous work
"Das Leben der Urwelt.", published by "Georg Dollheimer", and printed by "Poeschel & Trepte", Leipzig/Germany 1931.

Wilhelm Bölsche (1861 - 1939) was a German author, editor & publicist. He studied philosophy, art history and archaeology in Bonn and moved 1885 to Berlin. In Berlin-Friedrichshagen he became a central figure in the „Friedrichshagener Dichterkreis“, a poets society. Despite that most of his work cover natural history topics Boelsche was not a naturalist but a person who popularized natural matter as a layperson to an unaware public. Nevertheless his publishing of "Das Liebesleben in der Natur“(The Love Life in Nature) in 1898 was the key for creating modern fact books in Germany. Boelsche also initiated the first german folk high school, the “Freie Hochschule Berlin” in 1902 and was an important instigator for the “Lebensreformbewegung” (Reform Movement of Life) in Germany. Boelsche edited the most important cultural history review of the day, „Freie Bühne“ (Free Stage) and popularized his free-thinking monism knowledge - especially the innovating school of Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel in dozens of self-edited books and series released by „Kosmos-Verlag“ in Stuttgart/Germany.

In compliment to his work, Boelsche was the name giver to a mountain ridge in the „Riesengebirge“ (Krkonoše Mountains), to an island in Spitsbergen, to a Berlin school (Realschule Bölsche – Oberschule), and to many streets in German towns, including the „Bölschestrasse“ in his former living district Berlin-Friedrichshagen. Even an asteroid was named after him – „1998 FC127“ now bearing the name 17821 Bölsche moving between Mars and Jupiter towards the sun.

approx. 5,98'' x 9,02''/ 15,2 cm x 22,9 cm

The condition of both sides is very excellent.
The appearance is even more clear and brilliant on the shiny
and glossy creamy paper as the scan can show.

- All my prints are ORIGINAL ANTIQUES -

Each delivery is accompanied by a copy of the original antique title!


I can combine shipments when you have bid on multiple items to save on postage.


(für alle deutschen Kunden/only for German Customers)


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