This listing is for a Brand New Tesla Violet Ray, which may help with just about any skin problem or specific pain problem (acne, dandruff, regrowing your hair, fine lines on your face, sagging jawline, pain in a specific area and the list goes on).

This is a 30W machine and the less expensive ones are 10W, which are a complete waste of money. Yes, I would know, seeing I bought 4 of them trying to track down the one I am selling.  

I bought this same EXACT unit for $189.00, from a different seller.  For me, it regrew my hair, tightened my jawline and reduced fine lines on my face and this is why I went down a rabbit hole to find the unit to sell at a more reasonable price.

It did take 30 days of using this (for me) for 10 minutes a day to start to see new hair growth so consistency is crucial for best results (isn't that the same with life?) .  It works as well as getting a $500 PRP shot into my scalp every 30 days because I've done it.....15 times!

You will smell ozone when using it too.

I sell on eBay for a living and my business account is under dunlbo2.  This is my personal account. 

I own 2 of these and use it (per unit) for 10 minutes a day on my face/neck and the other one for 10 minutes a day on my scalp.   

It may work for pain too.

30 day warranty where we bring it back at our expense and give you a full refund it you don't like it!

It pains me to say this, but, "what do you have to lose?"