The September 1987 issue of this magazine is available and as always, it does not disappoint.  The topics covered by this magazine are as appropriate today as they were when it was published.  The ads are often more interesting than the articles!


The cover story is titled: Jade-Stone of Heaven - More revered than gold in antiquity, this stone of rainbow hues lures seekers to remote places.  Author-photographer Fred Ward documents jade's special place in history and art.

Other featured articles include:

El Mirador: An Early Maya Metropolis Uncovered - Was this one of America's first great cities?  Archaeologist Ray T. Matheny's excavations at a 2,000-year-old site in the Guatemalan jungle have led him to new theories about the roots of Maya civilization.  

James Madison, Architect of the Constitution - A Virginia politician-scholar was the driving force and design master behind the document whose 200th birthday we now honor.  Alice J. Hall brings to light little-known aspects of the unassuming Madison.

Living Iroquois Confederacy - Proud descendants of once powerful Indian nations hold fast to their heritage.  Harvey Arden and photographer Steve Wall chronicle the storied past and uncertain future of these keepers of "The Fire That Never Dies." 

Cameroon's Killer Lake - A cloud of carbon dioxide burst from a West African lake one August night in 1986, and 1,700 people died.  Curt Stager describes the search for the cause.  

Cover - To unlock the secrets of a Maya mask, Dr. Brian Curtiss tests the mosaic with a portable light spectrometer.  Long thought to be made of jade, the pieces are look-alikes, except for the ear flares. 

If you were to purchase a back issue through the National Geographic Society, it would cost $7.00 with U.S. delivery.  

I have a number of back issues of National Geographic from various years.  If you are looking for a specific issue, please let me know.  I supply shipping discounts to multiple purchases.

Due to changes in USPS policy and a recent postage rate increase, I have had to raise my shipping costs.