Single Pieces of



Beautiful examples of Celestite. Use for; Crystal Healing, Reiki, Chakras, Meditation, Divination, Scrying, Pagan, Wicca, For Craft or just simply because there Pretty! 

Also a perfect addition to the rock and mineral collection of any enthusiast.

Each piece is "as mined" and as close to their natural form as possible since their extraction. They have suffered no "beautifying" treatments or similar tamperings meant to "improve"

Shapes sizes & weights all vary. 

Celestite Choices Available;

1 - 86g, 50mm x 30mm x 30mm

2 - 90g, 50mm x 40mm x 30mm

3 - 112g, 50mm x 45mm x 35mm

4 - 83g, 40mm x 45mm x 35mm

5 - 112g, 50mm x 35mm x 35mm

6 - 102g, 60mm x 40mm x 25mm

all weights and measurements are hand taken and as such approximate, please allow for a small margin of error.

Celestite (Celestine)

Celestite (officially nowadays, Celestine) is an attractive mineral consisting of strontium sulfate (SrSO4) that forms in well-shaped crystals with a distinctive soft blue colour. Celestine and the carbonate mineral strontianite are theprincipal sources of the element strontium, commonly used in fireworks, in various metal alloys & glow-in- the-dark paints or plastics. Crystals may be a solid color, but may also have lighter and darker colour zones of blue. While pure Celestine is colourless, various impurities give this mineral a wider range of colours, especially its celestial blue colour. Celestine geodes of large, deep sky-blue crystals are well-known and abundant from Madagascar. Celestine is named from the Latin term caelestis, alluding to it typical celestial sky-blue color.

Meaning & Healing Properties



The name Celestite comes from the Latin word for heavenly. While the etymology probably has more to do with this crystal’s pale blue shade than its angelic lore, the divine energy of Celestite can’t be ignored. It is believed to help you attract angelic support into your life. Penetrating into the deepest levels of your soul, a Celestite crystal offers restorative energy where you need it the most. Though it’s a high-vibrational crystal, the intensity of Celestite’s uplifting nature is gentle enough to still be soothing. It connects to the highest realms of the universe to permit serenity within your upper chakras. Wherever you happen to be on your spiritual journey, the dreamy sky blue Celestite crystal links us to our inner guardian angels so we never have to weather the storm alone.

Harness the calming, peaceful energy of Celestite and use it like an adult lullaby, calling you out of a spiritual coma and guiding your inner spirit towards light and love. Following the words of a wise Irish proverb, the best cures for any ailment is a good laugh and a long sleep. So if you find your happy/sad ratio out of balance, keep a Celestite crystal stone on your night stand and always be protected by the loving energy of guardian angels, your daily anti-depressant. For anyone feeling anxious or overcome with stress, Celestite is your saving grace. Coming from the Latin word for heavenly, the way Celestite crystals prevent you from burning out with anxiety and doubt certainly feels like divine intervention. It connects to the highest realms of consciousness to channel serenity within your higher chakras. Anyone who has trouble getting to sleep, or sleeping through the night without waking up - especially babies or children - will benefit from celestite’s calming energies, which promotes restful sleep. It has long been believed that celestite can aid in establishing a line of communication between this world, and the angelic realm. This is why celestite is linked to the Archangel Michael. An advocate of children, many believe this association with the Archangel, in combination with the relaxing energy of the crystal, makes celestite the ideal stone for children’s bedrooms. But kids aren’t the only ones who could use a celestite in the bedroom. Just by gazing upon its heavenly colour, the Celestite crystal inspires deep relaxation by restoring your natural state of joy. Keep a stone in the bedroom and bring tranquility and harmony into your space, the perfect medicine for a restful sleep. Before you close your eyes at night, hold the Celestite crystal in your hand and let it give you the wisdom and strength to allow your dreams to outweigh your fears and your actions be louder than your words. The day might be over and what's done is done, but the gentle and soothing Celestite crystal reminds us that each day brings new opportunities to reach for the stars. Remember, the stars can't twinkle without the darkness but the sun will always rise, giving way to a renewed hope for tomorrow.

Celestite gives us a healthy perspective on life, allowing us to see our problems as guidelines instead of seeing stop signs. A high vibrational stone, the Celestite crystal is a teacher for the New Age, bringing a restored sense of trust in the infinite wisdom of the universe. When Celestite touches your skin, it instantly lifts the mood and brings purity to the heart, making Celestite jewelry a fashion accessory that adds the understated elegance of sky blue to your wardrobe while also healing the aura, cleansing it of worry and stress. It’s a fashion statement that also provides daily spiritual nutrition. Use a Celestite crystal to communicate directly with the energy of the universe to ask for spiritual blessings. If you are experiencing stress from unfamiliar situations or difficult relationships, working with Celestite can bring clarity and aid in your ability to reconcile. By instilling you with a peaceful approach, you will be better equipped to handle whatever life brings your way. When it comes to cooling off fiery emotions, Celestite is the New Age balm to soothe the callouses caused by the gutter balls and strikes of life. The Celestite crystal stone is a symbol of peace, because when you connect to a higher state of being, it opens you up to mental clarity, the key to resolving conflicts in relationships. Celestite gives us a sense of greater openness to new experiences, even if it seems out of our comfort zone. When it comes to dysfunctional relationships, the Celestite crystal is cheaper than couple’s therapy and possibly more effective, especially if you take the time to deeply connect with your stone in daily meditation practice.

The high vibrations of Celestite crystal healing properties stimulate and support the throat, third eye, and crown chakras, making it an excellent stone for an overall spiritual detox. In meditation, Celestite helps ease the transition into a peaceful state of awareness, which can be challenging for a troubled mind amped up with conflict and frustration. Sit quietly with the Celestite stone and use it to tap into your psychic and intuitive abilities. Because the Celestite crystal properties are associated with the throat chakra, it helps you express any message you receive from the heavens with a renewed sense of clarity and purpose. Celestite reminds us that the divine light is within us, and the angels will always show up to the party with an invitation, ready to keep the soul burning strong and bright.

Formed in geodes from granite and pegmatite rocks, Celestite rounds up your spiritual cavalry from the celestial world and calls on your natural intuition to put everything in perspective. Connect to the Celestite at a deeper level through meditation and give your stone a specific intention. Like a confessional of the spirit, tell the Celestite crystal the true desires of your heart because the angels are always listening. Use this therapeutic session to remind yourself that real strength isn’t only found in muscles but in the tenderness of spirit.

Another way to access the healing vibrations of Celestite is by placing a stone on your third eye chakra before you go to sleep. Meditate with the crystal and let it connect you to the spiritual realm for a clear vision that helps you remember your dreams in vivid detail. Warm up a dampened spirit and find true happiness when you converse with angels in your dreams. Enter dreamland with Celestite and encourage sweet dreams that bring you closer to the real you and your divine purpose in life.

If you are drawn to the energy of a celestite crystal, you may be seeking a moment to relax, get centered and cleanse your mind. When you are centered, it becomes easier to approach difficult situations with a level head. Celestite is the energy to turn to when disaster strikes, and you need to pick up the pieces. By instilling you with mental clarity, it makes calm, problem solving easier, even during chaotic moments.