Original disbound Acts of Parliament of Great Britain relating to early convict and colonial Australia (lot of 16x) published London, 1825-1866, dealing with law and transportation (convicts) in New South Wales and Van Dieman’s Land, lands/waste lands, and new settlements of Western Australia and South Australia.

This lot of original Acts of Parliament comprise the following:

1.    CAP. LXIX. An Act for punishing Offences committed by Transports kept to labour in the Colonies; and better regulating the Powers of Justices of the Peace in New South Wales. [22d June 1825.]

2.    CAP. LXXIII. An Act to continue, until the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, an Act of the Fourth Year of His present Majesty, for the better Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. [2d July 1827.]

3.    CAP. LXXXIII. An Act to provide for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof, and for other Purposes relating thereto. [25th July 1828.]

4.    CAP. XXII. An Act to provide, until the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, for the Government of His Majesty’s Settlements in Western Australia, on the Western Coast of New Holland. [14th May 1829.]

5.    CAP. XLII. An Act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, an Act of the Ninth Year of His Majesty King George the Fourth, for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. [12th July 1837.]

6.    CAP. LX. An Act to amend an Act of the Fourth and Fifth Years of His late Majesty, empowering His Majesty to erect South Australia into a British Province or Provinces. [31st July 1838.]

7.    CAP. XXXV. An Act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and forty-eight, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, an Act of the Tenth Year of King George the Fourth, for providing for the Government of His Majesty’s Settlements in Western Australia on the Western Coast of New Holland. [27th July 1846.]

8.    CAP. CIV. An Act to amend an Act for regulating the Sale of Waste Land belonging to the Crown in the Australian Colonies, and to make further Provision for the Management thereof. [28th August 1846.]

9.    CAP. XXII. An Act to remove Doubts concerning the Validity of Certain Grants of Land in the Colony of New South Wales. [24th May 1849.]

10.            CAP. LIX. An Act for the better Government of Her Majesty’s Australian Colonies. [5th August 1850.]

11.            CAP. LVI. An Act to repeal the Acts of Parliament now in force respecting the Disposal of the Waste Lands of the Crown in Her Majesty’s Australian Colonies, and to make other Provision in lieu thereof. [16th July 1855.]

12.            CAP. XII. An Act to repeal, as regards the Colony of Victoria, and to enable other Colonial Legislatures to repeal, certain Provisions of the Imperial Acts of the Fifty-fourth Year of George the Third, Chapter Fifteen, and the Fifth and Sixth Years of William the Fourth, Chapter Sixty-two. [8th August 1859.]

13.            CAP. XLIV. An Act to remove Doubts respecting the Authority of the Legislatures of Queensland, and to annex certain Territories to the Colony of South Australia, and for other Purposes. [22d July 1861.]

14.            CAP. LII. An Act to empower the Governors of the several Australian Colonies to regulate the Number of Passengers to be carried in Vessels plying between Ports in those Colonies. [1st August 1861.]

15.            CAP. XI. An Act to explain an Act, intituled An Act for the better Government of Her Majesty’s Australian Colonies. [11th April 1862.]

16.            CAP. LXXIV. An Act to repeal Part of an Act intituled An Act for the Government of New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Land. [6th August 1866.]

 “The number shown after each Act’s title is its chapter number. Acts passed before 1963 are cited using this number, preceded by the year/s of the reign of the monarch during which the relevant parliamentary session was held – for example, the Union with Ireland Act 1800 is cited as "39 & 40 Geo. 3 c. 67", meaning the 67th Act passed during the session that started in the 39th year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 40th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "41 Geo. 3" rather than "41 Geo. III"). Acts of the last session of the Parliament of Great Britain and the first session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom are both cited as "41 Geo. 3".”

NOTE: postage charge also includes handling fee to cover costs for packing/wrapping materials. These Acts have each been placed in protective sleeves and will be layered between extra cardboard and mailed in an A3 Rigid Mailer.