Ukraine 1 Oz  Silver Proof Coin 10 Hryvnias 2010

Series: Architectural monuments of Ukraine

                                                Quality  Proof
                                                Face Value  10 Hryvnias
                                                 Material    Silver 925
                                                Mintage  7000
                                                 Year    2010
                                                 Size   38,61 mm.
                                                Weight  31,10 gram (1  Oz)
Coin in capsule, in bank box & COA

The coin is devoted to Ukrainian Spiritual Centre Zarvanytsia. 
The history of the village and the icon dates back to the 13th century. In 1240, a monk fled the Ukrainian capital of Kiev, which was devastated by a Mongol invasion, and stopped in a secluded valley to drink water
 from a spring and pray to the Blessed Virgin. Having done so, and exhausted by the long travel, he fell asleep and saw the Mother of God. After awakening completely rejuvenated, he found the icon and decided to stay there and build a chapel by the spring to house the icon. News of the miraculous icon spread among the local population and reached the gravely sick duke of Terebovlia Vasylko (brother of the first and only Ukrainian king Danylo of Halych). The duke ordered the icon to be brought to him but when the monk refused,he 
himself traveled to Zarvanytsia and prayed in front of the icon and was cured. Out of gratitude, 
he founded a church and monastery there.