DR Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop Video CD. Two episodes, Bungle in the jungle & Pirate Parrot.  Please note, this is not a DVD (not sure if it will work in a DVD player) and has been played on my computer. 
Dr. Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop (known as Dr. Globule in France) is a 1994-1997 animated television seriesDr. Zitbag was a Pet Shop worker who wasn't very good at selling any pets at all and because of this he was fired from the local Transylvanian Pet Shop. So he decides to set up his own Pet Shop at an old Haunted Castle and finds out that he will have to share the place with a skeleton dog, Horrifido. With Horrifido now helping him out, the doctor begins use with his inventions to create Horrific Pets to gain his profit. The Italian name is, Pazze risate per mostri e vampiri, similar to Count Duckula for age rating.