Solidair Audio Pylons – Spring suspension upgrade for Gyrodec and Orbe

These Solidair Audio Pylons are a Michell Gyrodec  and Orbe spring suspension upgrade. They are designed to replace the springs used to suspend the turntable in the spectacular Michell Gyrodec and Orbe machines They are the go to upgrade for these machines, renowned the world over, they give a significant sound quality improvement.
The standard springs are there to isolate the platter from it’s surroundings, they do this but have a few drawbacks. The spring bounce can be a bit annoying, though you get used to it. The main problem is resonance of the undampened springs, which muddies the sound a little in the higher registers. This tends to blur different instruments and vocals into each other.
The Solidair Audio Pylons replace the springs with a less microphonic material and introduce a little high frequency damping. The top and bottom washers are hand turned from African Blackwood, which has excellent acoustic properties. The strings are braided waxed cotton which is very neutral and non-mircophinic.

What you should expect to hear is a more natural sound with significantly improved separation of instruments and vocals. You should hear fine detail that had been previously unnoticed and distinctly hear each different instrument and vocalist.
They are easy fit and don’t change the look of turntable, as they fit inside the aluminium tubes that hide the standard springs. They simply screw onto the standard Michell adjuster posts (not included in the pack as you will already have them). They replace the springs with the different washers on each end. There is no need to take the posts off and risk loosing the ball bearings inside them.
We have a real time video, no great acting sadly, but informative. Please note the Pylons fitted in the video were the first version and look slightly different from the final product as the strings are white. You will need to search you tube for "How to fit Solidair Audio Pylons" as we can't post external links here.

How to fit Solidair Audio Gyrodec Pylons

The Michell Gyrodec and Orbe spring suspension upgrade Pylons can also be used in conjunction with our Performance Packs for even better results. The Michell turntables have excellent quality bearings, so you can use a heavy puck, like our “Bass Driver” or the Puresound gunmetal platter and not have to make any adjustments.

If you have an early Gyrodec, please look at the images at the bottom of the page.

Some lovely reviews from our customers:

“…the pylons are ”something else” beautiful, organic, well made and boy do they do the job. The platter now has a much more solid, positive feel, with no bouncing and the quietness between tracks on a record is scary. Excellent product all round.” RQ

“I love the new pylons for the Gyrodec, they are a big improvement over the original springs.  Easy to fit and well made, they stop the deck from bouncing around all over the place when you change a record and they look great too. The sound seems a lot clearer, especially through the mid range, allowing more detail through than before.  Vocals seem more real with added texture, the sound as a whole is a step up with the pylons fitted.  They certainly work as claimed and I would happily recommend them to any owner of a Gyrodec. Many thanks for introducing yet another way of improving a great deck still further.  Well worth the money.” AR

“I Installed the Pylons on My Gyrodec SE and took this opportunity to level The platter, It’s Very easy (“Jeu d’enfant”). The nuts are easy to screw/unscrew. I noticed that the movements of the Gyrodec (Up/Down and Left/Right) are more limited than before, The Gyrodec seems now like a rigid platter. My Gyrodec has now 2 upgrades (Pylons and Isolation feet), and They work in perfect complementarity. The feet give more silent, Tight bass, powerful drums, and they are easy to follow. The Pylons take care of voices, Brass, Guitars whatever  Folk,  Spanish  or electric, everything has a better definition and air around, It is also easy to listen to the choirs at the back of the sound image. The general Dynamic of the music goes up two steps more (impressive Radio K.A.O.S (Roger Waters), Or Eric Clapton Unplugged at the BBC.) The addition of Both upgrades, make my Gyrodec SE more attractive, I should say more Addictive…And it remains at the first place among my sources.” PB

“Easiest upgrade ever. Currently picking my jaw up off the floor. The improvement is ludicrous! Pennies now being saved for leg upgrade!😊 Thanks for this, I’ll be telling Gyro/Orbe owning friends!” SA

“They are brilliant- almost like I’d installed the springs wrong!” LW

“I installed the Pylons yesterday. And what a change it was! I have been trying out riaa amplifiers lately, quite expensive ones, in the £2500-£3500 range. But whichever I auditioned I never quite found what I was after. But I found it with the pylons, for a tenth of the price! It really tidied up the upper bass from a soft, undefined mass. It made the background quiet and transparent. It was suddenly so easy to pick the different elements in the music, with a much more detailed top, vocals were right in front of me and I was suddenly a part of the music, instead of just observing it from the outside. And not having the player bouncing whenever I touch it is a welcomed bonus.
This is such a great upgrade, that I am quite shocked. Also shocked that Michell is not delivering their players with these instead of the springs. It is simply a new record player – and a much, much better one – with your pylons.” AR


All our wood is obtained through sustainable Cites certified suppliers.

The waxed cotton string is very strong, each cord will take over 6Kg. One string will take the full weight of the platter. The 18 strings will take around 125Kg, about 20 stones in weight or about 10 complete turntables. You do not need to worry about the strings failing, they won’t, we guarantee it.


Please note the later model Michell suspension on the left which most models have. (Three parts = Normal Solidair Audio Pylons) The post diameter is about 9.8mm. There is a ball bearing in the assembly.

If you have an early model with suspension that looks the suspension on the right, please let us know as there is a slight difference. (Four parts = early model Solidair Audio Pylons) The post diameter is about 9.4mm. Solid post, no ball bearing>