New original DeLonghi replacement
Window damper rod bracket for transferable air conditioner

Single wand length 67.7cm / 677mm
Stick height with hole 14.2cm / 142mm
Ellipsoidal hole
Hole width 20cm / 200mm
Hole height 10.3cm / 103mm
Maximum extension per block with screws 124cm / 1240mm
Maximum extension without locking with screws 132.5cm / 1325mm

Screw lock can be swiveled to the right or left
If the damper that rests on the bracket is heavy enough to hold it still, you can avoid using the locking screws
There are holes on the bracket if you want to fix it permanently with the damper

You can find your product data in the identification plate, usually under the appliance.
Check the list of compatible products, if yours is not in the list, contact us:

New original DeLonghi replacement Window damper rod bracket for transferable air conditioner Single wand length 67.7cm / 677mm Stick height with hole 14.2cm / 142mm Ellipsoidal hole Hole width 20cm / 200mm Hole height 10.3cm / 103mm Maximum extension per block with screws 124cm / 1240mm Maximum extension without locking with screws 132.5cm / 1325mm Screw lock can be swiveled to the right or left If the damper that rests on the bracket is heavy enough to hold it still, you can avoid using the locking screws There are holes on the bracket if you want to fix it permanently with the damper You can find your product data in the identification plate, usually under the appliance. Check the list of compatible products, if yours is not in the list, contact us: PAC EM77 PAC EM90 SILENT PAC EM93 SIL
Listing published through MarketRock.