Introduction of the American Clipper, a Sikorsky S-40 that was designated the flagship of the Pan Am fleet, to the FAM-5 express route from Miami to Cristobal, Canal Zone.  It had accommodations for 44 passengers plus space for mail and cargo.  At the time, the 700-mile flight from Kingston to Barranquilla was the world’s longest over-water flight on a commercial airliner route.  The modified Miami to Cristobal FAM-5 express route was via Cienfuegos, Cuba; Kingston, Jamaica; and Barranquilla, Colombia.  Charles A. Lindbergh was the pilot, Basil L. Rowe was the co-pilot.

This cover is from the Kingston - Cristobal leg.  AAMC catalogued as L-88 & Canal Zone 73b. 

USA only