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3 x Restoria Discreet 250ml Unisex Anti-Gray Repair Coloring Cream

Developed more than 45 years ago, Restoria Discreet is the treatment of gray hair by gradually restoring its natural color.

Restoria Hair Cream and Lotion works through the hair's natural chemistry, returning your hair to a natural color and gradually over 2-3 weeks.

Hair color can be controlled simply by the frequency of application and can remove some or all of the gray, depending on the desired result.

There's no mixing, no samples, no hassles and no gloves, just a simple remedy for gray hair.

Restoria Discreet is suitable for all hair colors and can be simply used in gray areas.

With the added benefit of helping to control dandruff and containing its own "built-in" conditioner, Restoria Discreet is a complete gray hair treatment that prevents dandruff and makes you look younger.

Restoria Hair Cream and Lotion works through the hair's natural chemistry, returning your hair to a natural color and gradually over 2-3 weeks.

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