Civil War Battles
 Book Collection on 16 GB USB FLASH DRIVE


 The Ultimate Collection of 

  205 Books         



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  This USB contains 205 interesting books about Civil War Battles.
 You will discover information on many topics such as campaigns, invasions, catalogues, battles, siege, reports, history, civil war, unions, memorials, narrative, accounts, diaries, camps, captures and escapes, life and death, observations, recollections, sketches  and many more!


 This outstanding book collection serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in Civil War Battles!





A hundred battles in the West; St. Louis to Atlanta, 1861-65 (1884) - Thatcher, M. P. - 416 pages

Gettysburg campaign and campaigns of 1864-1865 in Virginia (1905) - Stribling, R. M. - 308 pages

Marching to victory; the second period of the war of the rebellion including the year 1863 (1888) - Coffin, C. C. - 491 pages

Report of Brig. Gen Henry M. Naglee, commanding First brigade, Casey's division, Army of the Potomac of the part taken by his brigade in the battle of seven pines (1862) - Naglee, H. M. - 32 pages

Three great battles (1863) - Latrobe, J. H. B. - 35 pages

100 great battles of the rebellion (1906) - Kremer, W. P. - 380 pages
A bird's-eye view of our civil war (1897) - Dodge, T. A. - 348 pages
A chronological table of the battles of the Civil war in verse (1888) - Condon, J. F. - 28 pages

A critical history of the late American War (1877) - Mahan, A. - 461 pages

A full and detailed history of the siege of Vicksburg (1863) - Abrams, A. - 84 pages

A narrative of the battles of Bull Run and Manassas Junction, July 18th and 21st, 1861. Accounts of the advance of both armies, the battles, and the defeat and rout of the enemy (1861) - n.a. - 36 pages

A narrative of the campaign in the Valley of the Shenadoah in 1861 (1865) - Patterson, R. - 128 pages
A narrative of the campaign in the valley of the Shenandoah, in 1861 (1865) - Patterson, R. - 142 pages

A private's recollections of Fredericksburg (1884) - Cory, E. A. - 32 pages

A record of events in Norfolk County, Virginia, from April 19th, 1861, to May 10th, 1862, with a history of the soldiers and sailors of Norfolk County, Norfolk city and Portsmouth, who served in the Confederate States army or navy (1892) - Porter, J. W. H. - 386 pages
A reply of Maj.-Gen. William B. Franklin to the report of the Joint Committee of Congress; on the conduct of the war, submitted to the public on the 6th of april, 1863. with a map. (1863) - Franklin, W. B. - 44 pages

A short story of the first day's fight at Gettysburg (1906) - Huidekoper, H. S. - 12 pages

Afield with the Eleventh army corps at Chancellorsville (1885) - Rice, O. - 38 pages

An alphabetical list of the battles of the war of the rebellion; with dates (1882) - Wells, J. W. - 428 pages

An hour with victory (1885) - Ostrander, J. S. - 18 pages

Antietam and the Maryland and Virginia campaigns of 1862; from the government records--Union and Confederate--mostly unknown and which have now first disclosed the truth (1912) - Heysinger, I. W. - 332 pages

Antietam. Report of the Ohio Antietam battlefield commission (1904) - Cunningham, D. - 212 pages

At gettysburg; or what a girl saw and heard of the battle; a true narrative (1889) - Allerman, T. P. - 146 pages

Atlanta (1882) - Cox, J. D. - 310 pages
Atlanta; Battle of July 22, 1864, fought by the armies of the Tennessee, Cumberland and Ohio under Generals Sherman, McPherson, Logan, Thomas and Schofield (1887) - n.a. - 40 pages

Battery D, First Rhode Island Light Artillery, at the Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862 (1886) - Monroe, J. A. - 50 pages
 Battle of Atlanta story of the Cyclorama Johnston-Sherman Campaign and history of the engine "Texas" (1910) - Crist, N. - 28 pages

Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., September 19-20, 1863 (1889) - n.a. - 40 pages
Battle of Nashville, Tenn. (1864) - n.a. - 10 pages

Battle of the Crater and experiences of prison life (1898) - Shearman, S. U. - 38 pages
Battle of the mine (1879) - Case, E. T. - 43 pages

Battle of Young's branch, or, Manassas plain, fought July 21, 1861 (1862) - Warder, T. B. - 168 pages
 Battle-fields revisited (1886) - Brwon, C. O. - 140 pages

Battleground adventures, the stories of dwellers on the scenes of conflict in some of the most notable battles of the civil war (1915) - Johnson, C. - 476 pages
 Battles about Chattanooga, Tenn., November 23-25, 1863 (1893) - Boynton, H. V. N. - 44 pages

Battles and biographies of Missourians, or, The Civil War period of our state (1900) - Webb, W. L. - 424 pages

Battles and leaders of the Civil War Volume 1 (1887) - Johnson, R. U. - 786 pages
Battles and leaders of the Civil War Volume 2 (1887) - Johnson, R. U. - 792 pages
 Battles and leaders of the Civil War Volume 3 (1887) - Johnson, R. U. - 784 pages

Battles and leaders of the Civil War Volume 4 (1887) - Johnson, R. U. - 868 pages

Battles and sketches of the Army of Tennessee (1906) - Ridley, B. L. - 662 pages

Battles of Chattanooga and vicinity; a monograph (1900) - Lynde, F. - 44 pages

Battles of Chattanooga, fought Nov. 23-25, 1863, by the armies of the Cumberland and Tennessee (1886) - Wehner, W. - 82 pages

Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, Virginia (1921) - Fleming, V. M. - 30 pages

Battles of the Civil War (1914) - Vineyard, T. E. - 178 pages

Bentonville; what a bummer knows about it (1893) - Belknap, C. E. - 10 pages

Brief sketch of the battle of Gettysburg; introduction to Maine at Gettysburg (1898) - Hamlin, C. - 34 pages
Bull Run; its strategy and tactics (1913) - Johnston, R. M. - 342 pages
Campaigns and battles of the Sixteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers, in the war between the states, with incidental sketches of the part performed by other Tennessee troops in the same war (1885) - Head, T. A. - 488 pages
 Campaigns in kentucky and tennessee including the battle of Chickamauga 1862-1864 (1895) - n.a. - 612 pages

Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac; a critical history of operations in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania, from the commencement to the close of the war (1866) - Swinton, W. - 640 pages
Campaigns of the civil war - IX. Atalanta (1882) - Cox, J. D. - 310 pages
Capt. D. N. Walker's notes on the Crater fight, July 30, 1864 (1892) - Walker, D. N. - 8 pages

Ceremonies at the unveiling of the South Carolina monument on the Chickamauga battlefield (1901) - n.a. - 60 pages
 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (1882) - Doubleday, A. - 280 pages
 Chancellorsville campaign (1882) - n.a. - 14 pages

Chancellorsville, May 2 and 3, 1863 (1904) - Hillyer, W. R. - 40 pages

Chattanooga and Chickamauga (1891) - Boynton, H. V. N. - 80 pages

Chattanooga or Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge from Moccasin Point (1907) - Wood, B. R. - 28 pages

Chickamauga (1888) - Turchin, J. B. - 309 pages
Chickamauga and Chattanooga national military park (1895) - Lynde, F. - 60 pages
Co. J, 4th South Carolina infantry at the first battle of Manassas (1912) - Breazeale, B. B. - 28 pages

Danner's pocket guide book of the battle-field of Gettysburg, and history of the battle (1884) - Danner, J. A. - 14 pages

Defence of the army of the cumberland; Chickamauga, the price of Chattanooga (1864) - Fitch, J. - 92 pages

Descriptive key to the painting of the repulse of Longstreet's assault at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 3, 1863 (1870) - Bachelder, J. B. - 94 pages

Diary of the war for separation (1862) - Clarke, H. C. - 191 pages

Field, fort and fleet; being a series of brilliant and authentic sketches of the most notable battles of the late Civil War (1885) - Quad, M. - 560 pages

Fighting by southern federals (1912) - Anderson, C. C. - 422 pages

Final report of the Gettysburg battle-field commission of New Jersey (1891) - n.a. - 165 pages
Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg Vol.1 (1900) - Sickles, D. E. - 454 pages

Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg Vol.2 (1900) - Sickles, D. E. - 1065 pages

Final report on the battlefield of Gettysburg Vol.3 (1900) - Sickles, D. E. - 634 pages

Flanner's North Carolina battery at the Battle of the Crater (1878) - Flanner, H. G. - 2 pages
 Fort Donelson (1896) - Hicks, H. G. - 22 pages

Four months in Libby, and the campaign against Atlanta (1864) - Johnston, I. N. - 216 pages
 Fredericksburg, a study in war (1906) - Redway, G. W. - 321 pages
From Fort Henry to Corinth (1881) - Force, M. F. - 204 pages

From Gettysburg to the Rapidan. The Army of the Potomac, July, 1863, to April, 1864 (1883) - Humphreys, A. A. - 112 pages

Gen. William B. Franklin and the operations of the left wing at the battle of Fredericksburg (1900) - Greene, J. L. - 53 pages

General Alexander Hays at the battle of Gettysburg (1913) - Fleming, G. T. - 21 pages

General Lee, his campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 (1906) - Taylor, W. H. - 354 pages

General McClellan's Peninsula Campaign; review of the Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War relative to the Peninsula Campaign (1864) - Ketchum, H. - 72 pages
 General Sherman's official account of his great march through Georgia and the Carolinas (1865) - Sherman, W. T. - 228 pages

Generals J.E. Johnston and G.T. Beauregard at the battle of Manassas, July 1861 (1892) - Smith, G. W. - 48 pages

Gettysburg, then and now, the field of American valor (1899) - Vanderslice, J. M. - 492 pages

Gettysburg; how the battle was fought (1891) - Long, J. T. - 104 pages

Gettysburg; the story of the battle of Gettysburg and the field, described as it is on the fiftieth anniversary, 1863-1913 (1913) - n.a. - 65 pages

Gettysburg; where and how the regiments fought, and the troops they encountered (1897) - Vanderslice, J. M. - 246 pages

Glimpses of Chickamauga. A complete guide to all points of interest on this historic battle-field. (1895) - Disbrow, A. - 194 pages

Goldie's inheritance; a story of the siege of Atlanta (1903) - Whitney, L. M. - 268 pages

Grant's campaigns of 1864 and 1865. The Wilderness and Cold Harbor (May 3-June 3, 1864) (1908) - Atkinson, C. F. - 475 pages

Grant's strategy, and other addresses (1910) - Jackson, J. C. - 178 pages

Gregg's cavalry fight at Gettysburg (1884) - Rawle, W. B. - 29 pages

History of the Eighty-fifth regiment Pennsylvania volunteer infantry, 1861-1865, comprising an authentic narrative of Casey's division at the Battle of Seven Pines (1915) - Dickey, L. S. - 504 pages

Hitchcock's chronological record of the American civil war (1866) - Hitchcock, B. W. - 566 pages

Hood's Texas brigade, its marches, its battles, its achievements (1910) - Polley, J. B. - 347 pages

Incidents and anecdotes of the war together with life sketches of eminent leaders, and narratives of the most memorable battles for the Union (1862) - Victor, O. J. - 412 pages
 Incidents of Fair Oaks and Malvern Hill battles (1890) - Neill, E. D. - 28 pages
Lee's invasion of northwest Virginia in 1861 (1911) - Hall, G. D. - 176 pages

Lee's sharpshooters; or, The forefront of battle (1899) - Dulop, W. S. - 488 pages

Letter of the Secretary of War; transmitting report on the organization of the Army of the Potomac, and of its campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, under the command of Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, from July 26, 1861, to November 7, 1862 (1864) - McClellan, G. B. - 256 pages

Major General Andrew Atkinson Humphreys united states volunteers at Fredericksburg, va., december 13th, 1862 and farmville, va., april 7th, 1865 (1896) - Humphreys, H. H. - 71 pages

Major General William T. Sherman, and his campaign (1865) - Senour, F. - 477 pages

Major-General Magruder's report of his operations on the Peninsula, and of the battles of "Savage Station" and "Malvern Hill," near Richmond (1862) - Magruder, J. B. - 58 pages

Major-General McClellan and the campaign on the Yorktown Peninsula (1895) - Edge, F. M. - 220 pages

Major-General Sherman's reports (1865) - Sherman, W. T. - 84 pages
Map of Atlanta as of 1938 : showing the field and fortified lines of the Confederate forces, together with those of the federal armies-- also the fields of the three major engagements, during the summer of 1864 (1938) - Kurtz, W. G. - 2 pages

Map of Shiloh battlefield positions on second day, April 7, 1862 (1900) - Thompson, A. - 1 pages

Map of the seat of war, showing the battles of July 18th, 21st, & Oct. 21st, 1861 (1861) - McKean, E. R. - 1 pages
Marching through Georgia : pen-pictures of every-day life in General Sherman's army, from the beginning of the Atlanta campaign until the close of the war (1890) - Hedley, F. Y. - 490 pages

McDowell and Tyler in the campaign of Bull Run, 1861 (1884) - Fry, J. B. - 63 pages

My own account of the first day at Shiloh (1906) - Wallace, L. - 77 pages

Narrative of the fall & winter campaign (1863) - McClenthen, C. S. - 62 pages

Notes of a staff officer of our First New Jersey Brigade on the Seven Day's Battle on the peninsula in 1862 (1910) - Grubb, E. B. - 32 pages

Official report of the Battle of Chickamauga (1864) - Bragg, B. - 328 pages

Official reports of battles (1862) - n.a. - 594 pages

Old Fusee; or, the cannoneer's last shot.; a tale of bloody Antietam (1883) - Morris, A. P. - 108 pages

Panorama of the battle of Missionary Ridge and Lookout Mountain (1880) - n.a. - 32 pages
Pennsylvania at Chickamauga and Chattanooga (1900) - Skinner, G. W. - 612 pages

Pennsylvania reserves in the peninsula (1862) - McCall, G. A. - 20 pages

Personal experience as a staff officer at Mine Run and Albemarle County raid; and as commander of the 43rd regiment U. S. colored troops through the Wilderness campaign, and at the mine before Petersburg, Virginia from November 7th, 1863, to July 30th 1864 (1894) - Hall, H. S. - 44 pages
Personal experiences of the Chancellorsville campaign (1881) - Rogers, H. - 39 pages
Personal recollections of Sherman's campaigns in Georgia and the Carolinas (1866) - Pepper, G. W. - 539 pages

Recollections of service in the Twelfth Regiment, R. I. Volunteers (1885) - Lapham, O. - 45 pages

Recollections of the civil war (1902) - Dana, C. A. - 296 pages

Report of General Joseph E. Johnston of his operations in the departments of Mississippi and east Louisiana, together with Lieut. General Pemberton's report of the battles of Port Gibson, Baker's Creek, and the siege of Vicksburg (1864) - Johnston, J. E. - 213 pages

Report of General Robert E. Lee, and subordinate reports of the Battle of Chancellorsville (1864) - Lee, R. E. - 166 pages

Report of Major-General George B. McClellan, upon the organization of the Army of the Potomac, and its campaigns in Virginia and Maryland, from July 26, 1861, to November 7, 1862 (1864) - McClellan, G. B. - 166 pages

Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War on the attack on Petersburg, on the 30th day of July, 1864 (1865) - n.a. - 272 pages
Report of the operations of the 3d Brigade, 3d Division of the 20th Army Corps in the Atlanta Campaign of 1864 (1889) - Wood, J. - 76 pages
Report of the Special committee, on the recent military disasters at Forts Henry and Donelson, and the evacuation of Nashville (1862) - Foote, H. S. - 178 pages
Report on the organization and campaigns of the Army of the Potomac; to which is added an account of the campaign in western Virginia, with plans of battle-fields (1864) - McClellan, G. B. - 498 pages

Reports of the operations of the army of northern Virginia; from 1862, to and including the battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862 (1864) - Lee, R. E. - 1242 pages
 Second brigade of the Pennsylvania reserves at Antietam (1908) - Nicholas, A. F. - 190 pages

Sherman's march through the South. With sketches and incidents of the campaign (1865) - Conyngham, D. P. - 440 pages
Shiloh; or, the Tennessee campaign of 1862 (1872) - Worthingon, T. - 198 pages
 Slavery and four years of war : a political history of slavery in the United States, together with a narrative of the campaigns and battles of the Civil War in which the author took part, 1861-1865 Vol.1 (1900) - Keifer, J. W. - 380 pages

Slavery and four years of war : a political history of slavery in the United States, together with a narrative of the campaigns and battles of the Civil War in which the author took part, 1861-1865 Vol.2 (1900) - Keifer, J. W. - 434 pages

Source book of the Peninsula campaign in Virginia, April to July, 1862 (1921) - n.a. - 1001 pages

Southern battlefields : a list of battlefields on and near the lines of the Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Railway and Western & Atlantic Railway (1890) - Nashville, C. - 58 pages
 Stonewall Jackson and Chancellorsville (1904) - Smith, J. P. - 23 pages
 Text to number seven of Prang's war pictures. "Battle of Chattanooga." November 25, 1863 (1890) - n.a. - 18 pages

The Antietam and Fredericksburg (1882) - Palfrey, F. W. - 228 pages

The Army of Northern Virginia in 1862 (1892) - William, A. - 537 pages

The Army of the Potomac; Gen. McClellan's report of its operations while under his command ; with maps and plans (1864) - McClellan, G. B. - 178 pages

The battle of Atlanta and other campaigns, addresses, etc (1910) - Dodge, G. M. - 196 pages

The battle of Bentonville (1890) - Carlin, W. P. - 26 pages

The Battle of Bull Run (1861) - Stedman, E. C. - 42 pages

The battle of Chancellorsville (1882) - Bates, S. P. - 282 pages

The battle of Fort Fisher, North Carolina (n.d.) - Lamb, W. - 16 pages

The battle of Franklin (1902) - Shellenberger, J. K. - 40 pages

The battle of Franklin, November 30, 1864, the bloodiest engagement of the war between the states (1908) - Banks, R. W. - 96 pages

The Battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30, 1864 : a monograph (1897) - Cox, J. D. - 382 pages

The Battle of Fredericksburg; an address before the Association of the Virginia Division of the Army of Northern Virginia, at Richmond, Va., on Thursday evening, November 1, 1883 (1884) - Scales, A. M. - 28 pages

The battle of Rich Mountain and some incidents (1911) - Keifer, J. W. - 24 pages

The battle of Seven Pines (1891) - Smith, G. W. - 216 pages

The Battle of Sharpsburg--personal Incidents (1897) - Clark, W. - 22 pages

The Battle of Shiloh (1911) - Rich, J. W. - 150 pages

The Battle of the Crater in front of Petersburg. July 30, 1864. A memorable day in history. An address delivered before the A.P. Hill Camp of Confederate Veterans, Petersburg, Va., in that city, on the 20th of June, 1890 (1890) - Bernard, G. S. - 18 pages

The battlefield of Antietam (1906) - Miller, R. C. - 40 pages

The battles of Chancellorsville and Gettysburg (1899) - Nelson, A. H. - 183 pages

The battles of the war for the union, being the story of the great Civil War from the election of Abraham Lincoln to the surrender at Appomattox (1897) - Holmes, P. - 338 pages

The Campaign for Chattanooga : the theater of movements, and the battlefields as seen from the point of Lookout Mountain (1902) - n.a. - 18 pages

The campaign in Virginia and Maryland, June 26th to Sept. 20th, 1862, Cedar Run, Manassas, and Sharpsburg (1911) - Sheppard, E. W. - 332 pages

The campaign of Chancellorsville (1911) - Wilson, J. H. - 77 pages

The capture and occupation of Richmond, April 3rd, 1865 (1907) - Repley, E. H. - 31 pages
The capture of Fort Fisher (1900) - Curtis, N. M. - 38 pages
The capture of Fort Fisher, North Carolina, January 15, 1865 (1907) - Ames, A. - 60 pages

The Chancellorsville campaign; Fredericksburg to Salem Church (1907) - Richardson, C. - 124 pages

The Chattanooga campaign (1911) - Fitch, M. H. - 292 pages

The civil war battles of Chickamauga and Chattanooga (1942) - Rogers, J. L. - 48 pages

The civil war on the border Vol.1 (1899) - Britton, W. - 473 pages

The civil war on the border Vol.2 (1899) - Britton, W. - 548 pages

The falling flag. Evacuation of Richmond, retreat and surrender at Appomattox (1874) - Boykin, E. M. - 88 pages
The first and second battles of Newbury and the siege of Donnington castle during the civil war, A.D. 1643-6 (1881) - Money, W. - 258 pages

The first campaign of the Second Rhode Island infantry (1878) - Rhodes, E. H. - 26 pages
The illustrated comprehensive history of the great battle of Shiloh (1921) - Howard, S. M. - 364 pages

The last campaign; a cavalryman's journal (1908) - Gilpin, E. N. - 72 pages

The last great Stoneman raid (1910) - Bushong, W. - 10 pages

The march to the sea; Franklin and Nashville (1882) - Cox, J. D. - 265 pages

The Maryland campaign and the battle of Antietam (1915) - Huyette, M. C. - 104 pages

The Peninsula campaign in Virginia; or, Incidents and scenes on the battlefields and in Richmond (1864) - Marks, J. J. - 472 pages

The Peninsula; McClellan's campaign of 1862 (1881) - Webb, A. S. - 254 pages

The Peninsular campaign and its antecedents (1864) - Barnard, J. G. - 96 pages

The retreat from Pulaski to Nashville, Tenn.; battle of Franklin, Tennessee, November 30th, 1864 (1909) - Scofield, L. T. - 67 pages

The Rhode Island artillery at the first battle of Bull Run (1878) - Monroe, J. A. - 31 pages

The seven days' battles in front of Richmond. An outline narrative of the series of engagements which opened at Mechanicsville, near Richmond, on Thursday, June 26, 1862, and resulted in the defeat of the northern army under Major-General M'Clellan (1862) - Pollard, E. A. - 52 pages
The seven days' contests; Pennsylvania reserves (1864) - McCall, G. A. - 675 pages

The story of a trooper. With much of interest concerning the campaign on the peninsula, not before written (1864) - Adams, F. C. - 144 pages
The story of the Battle of Gettysburg, and, description of the painting of the repulse of Longstreet's assault (1904) - Bachelder, J. B. - 86 pages
 The story of the marches, battles, and incidents of the Third United States Colored Cavalry; a fighting regiment in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-5 (1908) - Main, E. M. - 388 pages

The strategy of Robert E. Lee (1914) - Bowen, J. J. - 256 pages

The three days' battle of Chattanooga, 23d, 24th, 25th November, 1864 (1864) - Meigs, M. C. - 14 pages

The twelve decisive battles of the War : a history of the Eastern and Western campaigns, in relation to the actions that decided their issue (1867) - Swinton, W. - 562 pages
 The Union army Vol.1 (1908) - n.a. - 526 pages

The Union army Vol.2 (1908) - n.a. - 494 pages

The Union army Vol.3 (1908) - n.a. - 433 pages
The Union army Vol.4 (1908) - n.a. - 472 pages

The Union army Vol.5 (1908) - n.a. - 498 pages

The Union army Vol.6 (1908) - n.a. - 486 pages
The Union army Vol.8 (1908) - n.a. - 538 pages

The Vicksburg campaign, and the battles about Chattanooga under the command of General U.S. Grant, in 1862-63; an historical review (1882) - Reed, S. R. - 218 pages
 The Wilderness campaign, May-June, 1864 (1905) - n.a. - 492 pages
War pictures from the South (1863) - Estvàn, B. - 352 pages

Was General Thomas slow at Nashville (1896) - Boynton, H. V. - 95 pages



Here are a few images from the collection:





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