Rare 1838 Signed Charles Babbage historical letter THE FATHER OF THE COMPUTER


Charles Babbage, a mathematician, philosopher, inventor and most notably considered to be the “Father of the Computer”, was born December 26th 1791, in London, to Benjamin Babbage and Elizabeth Plumleigh Teape.  

His mathematical and mechanical genius was apparent even at an early age. As a child, he loved to take apart toys in order to figure out how they operated.  He learned algebra on his own because he was fascinated by the subject.  In high school Babbage would go to school in secret from three until five in the morning to study calculus by himself. By the time he went to university in 1810 he had a good understanding of it and a hugely motivated interest in the field of mathematics.

After attending Cambridge he started work on designing what is considered his first attempt at developing a mechanical computer, he called the Difference Engine but it was his more complex Analytical Engine that contained all of the essential ideas of a modern computer including a central processing unit and printer.

The Analytical Engine is one of the most amazing achievements of the 19th century.

Babbage was never able to complete construction of his machines mostly due to inadequate funding.  It was not until 1941 that Konrad Zuse built the first general-purpose computer, Z3, more than a century after Babbage had proposed the pioneering Analytical Engine in 1837.  

Parts of Babbage's incomplete mechanisms are on display in the Science Museum in London. In 1991, a functioning difference engine was constructed from Babbage's original plans and works exactly as he envisioned it.

Babbage’s Analytical Engine designs were finished in December of 1837.  This incredible letter was written the following month in January 1838 and most likely setting this meeting to gather support for his Engine designs and ultimately raise the funds needed to produce this huge undertaking.

Signed to an unnamed correspondent ('My dear Sir'), Dorset Street, Manchester Square, 7 Jan 1838. Asking him to use his own judgement ('I at least shall never urge you').

'I cannot readily suppose you have forgotten me nor do I wish at all to do more than give you every information you think requisite when you can act effectively must be left entirely to circumstances and your own judgement and I at least shall never urge you. Most probably it will be desireable that I should be able to refer to books and papers when I see you & therefore I do not offer to visit you at Mortlake.

  I am almost always at home until twelve - and will be so for the next three days certainly. But if you sleep in town will you come and eat a beafsteak with me either on Tuesday at six or at any hour you will fix or else on Thursday. My house is undergoing a repair and I have only one habitable room or I would offer you a bed. I have two other subjects of which I wish to say a word. ...'.  

Below Babbage has signed in his own hand  “Dorset Street, Manchester Square, 7 Jan

1838,  C Babbage.”

It’s an amazing piece of history.