"The Waikiki Aquarium Guidebook 1987" and accompanying card with illustrations by Susan B. Kelly is a delightful treasure for nature enthusiasts and lovers of marine life. This guidebook serves as your gateway to the enchanting world of the Waikiki Aquarium, offering valuable insights into the diverse marine ecosystems of Hawaii. With vivid illustrations by Susan B. Kelly, you'll be transported to the vibrant underwater world that thrives in the crystal-clear waters of the Pacific.

Whether you're planning a visit to the Waikiki Aquarium or simply seeking to expand your knowledge of marine biodiversity, this guidebook is a must-have addition to your collection. Dive into the mesmerizing descriptions, discover the unique species that call these waters home, and let Susan B. Kelly's illustrations bring these aquatic wonders to life. Whether you're a seasoned marine biologist or just beginning your exploration of oceanic ecosystems, this guidebook and card offer a fascinating window into the beauty and diversity of Hawaii's aquatic world. Add it to your collection today and let the wonders of the ocean inspire your curiosity and appreciation for the natural world.