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You can find the data of your product in the identification plate, usually under the appliance.
Check the list of compatible products, if yours is not in the list, contact us:

202 s
You 7000
Original gr. 9
Vampyrette 1000 Combi, 1000s, 1001s, 1002s
Vampyrette 1100 Plus, 1101 Plus
Vampyrette 1200 Combi, 1201 Plus
Vampyrette 1500 Combi
Vampyrette 200, 202, 202.2
Vampyrette 2000 L, 2002 El
Vampyrette 202.2
Vampyrette 300 l
Vampyrette 3000 s/l, 3001s, 3002s, 3003L

100 ... 199 100.120
500 - 599 589.370

Taille 9

Listing published through MarketRock.