100+ Scuds. Freshwater Amphipods. (Hyallela Azteca) Great for Bettas and Puffers.

Also comes with a starter Bunch Of Guppy Grass and a Handful of Floaters.

In this package you’ll be getting a starter culture of live scuds. They are great food for any number of fish and amphibians including Bettas, Puffers and Axolotyls. I try to add about 100-150 but it may be a little more. They won’t look like that many at first but grab a magnifying glass and you’ll see TONS of hatchlings. Please be advised my tanks are as natural as possible so you may get some hitch hikers in your order. This could be anything from detritus worms, cyclops, seed shrimp, or planaria. Some fish keepers loath the last two but the way I see it they’re just free food. I only ship on Tuesdays so if you order after 8pm on a Monday night your order won’t be sent out until the following week. This is my business but your satisfaction is my top priority so don’t hesitate to ask any questions. I add a large portion of floating plants plus a starter of guppy grass for free to this order so if they don’t make it alive, I can’t replace the plants. However if your scuds arrive deceased, send me a photo of them in the bag within 2 hours of arrival and we’ll work something out. Scuds are super tough but if they arrive deceased send me some photos of them in the bag and we’ll see what we can work out. 👍🏽👍🏽