We are offering an 1814 Stampless Letter / Postal Cover, dated July 12, 1814, from Cyrus Hamlin of Paris, Maine to Thomas P. Beal, Esq., Attorney at Law, Kingston, County of Plymouth, Massachusetts.  In 1806, after the county of Oxford, Maine was created and Paris Hill was appointed as County Seat, Cyrus Hamlin became Clerk of Courts. **NOTE** - The letter has no postage stamp, as postage stamps were not issued until 1847.  As was common during this period, the letter also served as the envelope by folding it a certain way, addressing it, and sealing it with red wax.

The letter reads, "The enclosed is the writ - Drew vs. Whitman [a court case, we assume in Plymouth County Court].  I hope, Sir, you will enter it in session [?] for your Court.  If I recollect right, I was introduced to you at Plymouth Court about two years since, and the short interview I had left a pleasing sensation in my mind in your favor.  And, Sir, if you have any business in the Sheriff Department which you wish to have done in this County [Oxford], it will be very pleasing to me to do it for you.  Am very respectfully your very obedient and humble servant, Cyrus Hamlin".