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Titolo: The Vogue Factor
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Kirstie Clements
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 1783350156
EAN: 9781783350155
ISBN: 9781783350155
Edizione: Main
Publisher: Guardian Faber Publishing
Genere: Society & Culture
Soggetto: Biography
Anno di pubblicazione: 2014
Data di pubblicazione: 17/07/2014

The Vogue Factor is the former Australian Vogue Editor-in-Chief's candid account of life at the heart of the fashion industry, from photo shoots and celebrity interviews to the ugly truth behind the glamour - infighting, back-stabbing and the dangerous pursuit of beauty.

This is the behind-the-scenes story of an illustrious career in fashion, from receptionist to the editor's chair. It's a life of dazzling parties, outrageous fashion and exotic travel that most people can only dream of.
But behind the glossy photos is a hidden world of chaos and pressure, where girls as young as twelve starve themselves to fit into a sample size.

Kirstie Clements' eye-opening account of life in fashion's fast lane has hit headlines all over the globe. Both a celebration and a critique of this extraordinary industry, The Vogue Factor is this season's must-have

Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: GB
Altezza: 198mm
Lunghezza: 126mm
Larghezza: 16mm
Peso: 188g

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