Webbox Beef Chub Roll Wet Dog Food 720g

Webbox Beef Chub Roll Wet Dog Food 720g

Give your dogs an extra special delight with this beef Chub Roll dog treat! The yummy rolls are made with 45% real meat and no wheat or grains for the best taste, with the rolls being capable of being mixed in with complete dry dog food or on its own as a part of a balanced diet.

Your furry friends are going to be bouncing in excitement the moment that they hear you opening the packet. When you have taken out the amount that you need, simply twist the packaging back round to help keep the Chub Roll fresh for next time.

We all want our pets to have the best food to keep them happy and healthy, and this tasty treat is the perfect addition to your dog's day.

  • 720 g
  • Made of 45% fresh meat
  • Flavour: beef
  • No wheat or grains
  • For adult dogs over the age of 12 months


Meat and animal derivatives (chicken 45%), vegetable protein extracts, basil (0.1%)

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