Health Benefits of Rosehip Extract Powder :
  • One of the major benefits of vitamin C is potential stimulation of collagen production in the body. Collagen is a protein that forms the connective tissue in the body and reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Natural Rosehips Vitamin C also treats inflammation and improves immunity.
  • Dog Rose contains vitamins A and E, also called vitamins of youth, not only caring for the skin but as well providing antiaging effects.
  • Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin K and Folic Acid are necessary for proper functioning and construction of nerves, muscles, heart and bones.
  • Prevents scurvy, a disease that can cause muscle weakness, joint pains, rashes, and tooth loss.
  • The vitamin C in rose hips also helps maintain the health of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin C in rose hips also helps your body absorb iron better. Iron has several benefits, the major one being preventing anemia and keeping your blood healthy.
  • Rose Hep helps prevent and shorten the duration of cold and flu symptoms.
  • Rose Hips also contain the fatty acid GOPO, which, as per experts, is the plant version of fish oil.