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Titolo: Pentagon Yearbook 2017
Condizione: Nuovo
Formato: Copertina rigida
Subtítulos: South Asia Defence and Strategic Perspective
EAN: 9788182749467
ISBN: 9788182749467
Publisher: Pentagon Press
Data di pubblicazione: 30/03/2017
Description: South Asia's complex geopolitical realities present a number of challenges to regional countries and dominate the discourse. Likewise, there are complex geostrategic issues which inhibit regional cooperation and add to trust-deficit. This volume captures perspectives of experts and scholars on South Asia who offer some deep insights of the region. It addresses a number of issues that fall into the domain of geopolitics, geo-economics and geostrategic. With connectivity being the buzzword of 2016, the volume draws attention to the geostrategic calculus involving transport corridors and the emerging great game in South Asia. The book also deliberates on thematic issues such as trends in defence spending as well as marine protected areas in the region. This volume is a must read for academics, researchers and policy makers in South Asia as also those who pursue various political, security and environmental issues confronting the region.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: IN
Altezza: 250mm
Lunghezza: 160mm
Peso: 680g
Autore: Vijay Sakhuja
Genere: Law & Politics
Title Format: Hardback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2017

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