2x Nonacne

2x 60 caps

·                      Nutricosmetic for acneous skin

·                      Supports the production of collagen

·                      Accelerates wound healing

·                      Helps to keep the skin healthy


Who is Nonacne for?

Nonacne is an advanced nutricosmetic for people struggling with skin problems. Ingredients contained in it supplement deficiencies in the diet, which can cause skin changes, as well as support the treatment of acne scars and take part in the proper production of collagen.


How should Nonacne be used?

The recommended daily allowance is 2 capsules, preferably 30 min. before a meal. The product should be washed down with about 300 ml of water.

Who can use Nonacne?

Nonacne is a food supplement designed for women and men. The product is not intended for children, pregnant and lactating women.

When can I expect the effects of using Nonacne?

Nonacne allows you to observe the first effects after only a few weeks of use. The effect obtained depends on individual predispositions.

How long does one package of Nonacne last?

Each Nonacne pack contains 60 capsules, which is enough for a month of use.