The SatLink 4035 is the first DVB-RCS certified out-
door unit to fully integrate a Ku-band transmitter
and receiver into a single compact, lightweight
casing. The 2 Watt transceiver is compatible with
most VSAT antennas. When combined with the
standard DiSEqC


power control feature on the

transmitter, the result is a significant reduction in
installation time.

The SatLink 4035 is a member of a family of SatLink
products and systems from STM enabling scal-
able, high-availability DVB-RCS networks opti-
mized for Internet Protocol (IP) communications, including: VSATs, turnkey hub and gateway
systems, hub components, and value-added options for advanced data, voice and video
networking via satellite. STM is the technology and market leader in DVB-RCS satellite net-
works delivering superior performance for telecom service providers, ISPs, governments and
enterprises around the world. STM also offers integration, installation,
24 x 7 global support, and managed network services