US Congressional Imprint – original document
July 13, 1832
Report from the House Revolutionary Claims Committee 
Re: Lt. Thomas Wishart posthumous rank and pension upgrade 

Heirs of Thomas Wishart petition for the rank of lieutenant and the land bounty extended to officers of that rank who fought in the American Revolutionary War. The committee finds that Wishart was entitled to the rank of lieutenant on the basis of service and evidence gathered. As such, he would have been entitled to an officers land bounty.

Congressional Committee imprints are internal publications prepared or commissioned by congressional committees to inform committee members’ legislative or oversight activities. Committee prints are not always submitted for publication, but when they are, this information can prove to be a helpful source of background information. The information contained in the prints could include drafts of reports and bills, directories, bibliographies, statistics, staff research reports, transcripts of markup sessions, studies, hearing and hearing excerpts, digests, and analysis. (Library of Congress)