####Detox Blanc No. 1 Detox Blanc Detox Mask No. 100% Genuine =>> Repel skin problems - kill hidden acne - blackheads 👉Clean blackheads, smooth, shrink pores in just 5 minutes. Effects Detox MASK detoxifies lead, dirt, repels skin problems such as: ▪️ Acne bran, dark spots, pigmentation, wrinkles. ▪️ Absorbs lead on the skin, even toxins deep in the skin ▪️ Skin becomes smooth, naturally rosy. ▪️ Rejuvenate skin, enhance skin elasticity, fake wrinkles.m visibly. ▪️ Detox BlanC Detox BlanC Detox BlanC - A brand from France - to remove blackheads, hidden acne, toxins. ▪️ The mask contains AHA - an important factor in gently exfoliating acne skin for smooth, fresh skin. To use Detox Mask is very simple. You just need to follow these steps: Step 1: Clean the face => Take 1 amount of mask just enough to spread quickly all over the face (avoid the eye and lip area). Step 2: After only 3 minutes, the mask will bubble to push dirt, detoxify on the skin surface => Wait 15 minutes. Step 3: Rinse with clean water