Clearwater 1kg PH Plus pH Increaser For Pools Hot Tubs Lay Z Spa CH0005

  • Increases the pH level of your spa or above ground pool to maintain comfortable pH levels for your skin whilst you’re enjoying your hot tub or pool
  • Ensures that your spa or pool stays hygienic and looking pristine so you can fully enjoy your experience
  • Maintains the optimum pH level to enable chlorine treatment to work more effectively and clear any harmful bacteria
  • Instructions are clearly stated on the bottle and it’s very simple to use- simply dissolve the recommended amount of pH chemicals in warm water and add the solution to the pool, increasing its pH level- check after minimum 4 hours
  • Clearwater is a BISHTA approved UK brand that is recommended by brands such as Lay-Z-Spa and Bestway to help provide quality care to your pool or hot tub
  • Clearwater provides a dedicated, friendly UK customer support team to assist you with any queries you may have