PLease choose 1 Pyramid and 1 Pendant from the list below.
Orgone Wealth Attracting Money Magnet Abundance Luck Success 5xDT Quartz Pyramid
Orgone Mayan Calendar Pyramid HHG 5xDT Quartz Crystal Gemstone Remove Radiation

Orgone Energy Accumulator Pyramid Wilhelm Reich Inspired Earth Frequency 3.5hz

Orgone IPhone Cell Phone Radiation EMF Shield Pyramid Shungite Powder and Stones

Orgone Tree Of Life Power Pyramid Monatomic Gold Orme

Orgone 23k Zero Point Scalar Energy Reich Nano 5xDT Quartz Citrine Beryl Pyramid

White Orgonites Spiritual Awakening Healing Pyramid Tensor Ring Tesla Coil

Orgone Tesla Radionics Activator Chi Om Mantra Pyramid

Orgone Healing Chakra Kundalini Yoga Awakening Pyramid

Orgone Negative Ion Fusion Charger Excel Scalar Pyramid

Orgone Psychic Enhance Pineal Gland Activate Stimulate ESP Herderite Pyramid

Orgone Spiritual Love Acceptance Healing Heart Pyramid

Orgone Moonstone Lemurian Seed Travel Protector Pyramid

3rd Eye Chakra Enhance Psychic Energy Orgone Pyramid

Orgone Tesla Radionics Activator Quantum Shield Shungite HHG 5xDT Quartz Pyramid

Orgone corporeal Energy Kundalini Meditation Pyramid

Orgone Chembuster Chemtrail Radiation Shungite Unakite Topaz 5xDT Quartz Pyramid

Orgone Lucid Dreaming Astral Projection Travel Pyramid

Orgone Base Root 1st Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Base Root 2nd Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Base Root 3rd Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Base Root 4th Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Base Root 5th Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Base Root 6th Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Base Root 7th Chakra Pyramid Awakening

Orgone Psychic Attack Protect Entities Spirits Pyramid Ametrine Topaz Carnelian

Orgone 7 Chakra Alignment Clearing Awakening Pyramid

23k Gold Orgone Energy Auric Field Harmonizer Pyramid Blue Sapphire Garnet Ruby

Orgone Grounding Yin Yang Feng Shui Balancing Pyramid

Orgone Psychic Ability Enhancement Clairvoyance Pyramid Lapis Lazuli Quartz Jade

Orgone Increase Power Energy Immunity Health 5xDT Quartz Opalite Garnet Pyramid

Harmonic Orgone Protector Life Lunar Goddess Energy HHG 5xDT Quartz Coil Pyramid

Orgone Quantum Tachyon Pyramid Life Force Spiral Grounding Energy Quartz Shungite

Orgone Protector Pyramid Dna Health Insomnia Sleep Aid Ruby Herkimer Tourmaline

Orgone Energy Reich Pyramid Schumann Resonance 3.50hz 5xDT Quartz HHG
Orgone Wealth Attracting Money Magnet Abundance Luck Success Quartz Point Quartz Pendant
Orgone Mayan Calendar Pendant HHG Quartz Point Quartz Crystal Gemstone Remove Radiation

Orgone Energy Accumulator Pendant Wilhelm Reich Inspired Earth Frequency 3.5hz

Orgone IPhone Cell Phone Radiation EMF Shield Pendant Shungite Powder and Stones

Orgone Tree Of Life Power Pendant Monatomic Gold Orme

Orgone 23k Zero Point Scalar Energy Reich Nano Quartz Point Quartz Citrine Beryl Pendant

White Orgonites Spiritual Awakening Healing Pendant Tensor Ring Tesla Coil

Orgone Tesla Radionics Activator Chi Om Mantra Pendant

Orgone Healing Chakra Kundalini Yoga Awakening Pendant

Orgone Negative Ion Fusion Charger Excel Scalar Pendant

Orgone Psychic Enhance Pineal Gland Activate Stimulate ESP Herderite Pendant

Orgone Spiritual Love Acceptance Healing Heart Pendant

Orgone Moonstone Lemurian Seed Travel Protector Pendant

3rd Eye Chakra Enhance Psychic Energy Orgone Pendant

Orgone Tesla Radionics Activator Quantum Shield Shungite HHG Quartz Point Quartz Pendant

Orgone corporeal Energy Kundalini Meditation Pendant

Orgone Chembuster Chemtrail Radiation Shungite Unakite Topaz Quartz Point Quartz Pendant

Orgone Lucid Dreaming Astral Projection Travel Pendant

Orgone Base Root 1st Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Base Root 2nd Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Base Root 3rd Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Base Root 4th Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Base Root 5th Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Base Root 6th Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Base Root 7th Chakra Pendant Awakening

Orgone Psychic Attack Protect Entities Spirits Pendant Ametrine Topaz Carnelian

Orgone 7 Chakra Alignment Clearing Awakening Pendant

23k Gold Orgone Energy Auric Field Harmonizer Pendant Blue Sapphire Garnet Ruby

Orgone Grounding Yin Yang Feng Shui Balancing Pendant

Orgone Psychic Ability Enhancement Clairvoyance Pendant Lapis Lazuli Quartz Jade

Orgone Increase Power Energy Immunity Health Quartz Point Quartz Opalite Garnet Pendant

Harmonic Orgone Protector Life Lunar Goddess Energy HHG Quartz Point Quartz Coil Pendant

Orgone Quantum Tachyon Pendant Life Force Spiral Grounding Energy Quartz Shungite

Orgone Protector Pendant Dna Health Insomnia Sleep Aid Ruby Herkimer Tourmaline

Orgone Energy Reich Pendant Schumann Resonance 3.50hz Quartz Point Quartz

Please let me know which ones you require.

How Orgonites Work

Everything around us is made up of atoms and they can communicate within each other by sending electrons this is done, for example in the same way as we communicate with each-other by talking, we are basically atoms sending signals (electrons) to each other.

Electrical devices such as Mobile (Cell) Phones, Routers, Laptop's, Computers, I pod’s etc. send out electrons but they are not harmonised, this causes our system to become out of synchronisation causing us to become stressed, develop illnesses, more allergies, put on weight along with many other issues.

Crystals and anything from the earth possesses harmonised electrons this is why Photon Orgone have many of them in orgonites due to the volume of crystals used. The metals within the polyester resin casing of the orgonites attract the negative electrons it is then pushed through the crystals and then the negative electron comes out harmonised.

Free Herbal Health Guide & Orgone Guide Given With Every Purchase

The dimensions of this Photon Orgone Pyramid are:
Approx. 8.5cm wide and approx. 7cm in height approximate dimensions of the 741hz Solfeggio ratio. This i have found to be more beneficial to combatting emf than the Giza dimensions.

My Research and Three Stage Photon Orgone Device

My Photon Orgone's devices are made in a very specific way, I have been developing and researching Orgonites and Orgone Energy for nearly 15 years. I have found that only specific combinations of metals and crystals will work in creating positive energy.

During this time I tirelessly worked on combining Crystal and Colour Therapy together with my Photon Orgone devices. Crystal and Colour Therapy alone are very powerful but if you combine this amazing technique within an Orgonites device you will have harnessed a super powerful force! This is the earth's natural power Orgone Energy!

Photon Orgone's devices are made in a very specific way, I have been developing and researching Orgonites and Orgone Energy for nearly 15 years. I have found that only specific combinations of metals and crystals will work in creating positive energy.

Each of my Photon Orgone devices have taken nearly a year to develop and test before I sell them.

Inside each device a put a base mix of 5 Double Terminated Quartz Points, Kyanite, Selenite, Quartz Powder, Shungite, Pyrite, Aluminium, Copper, Titanium, Tin, Brass and Sun Dried Colloidal Silver Steel Wool.

Each correctly manufactured unit hand made by us do the following:

• Increase Productivity

• Improve Oneness with Themselves

• Improves Thinking Clarity

• Increases Cosmic Ordering Success & Manifestation

• Allows Deeper Meditation

• Reduces Effects of Radiation caused by wireless technology

• Reduces Effects of Electro Magnetic Fields from Electrical Devices

• Reduces Effects of Electricity leakages from TV’s, Microwaves etc.

• It will also neutralize Chemtrails and toxins in our air

Every Photon Orgone device have the above properties however, this can be programmed to have many other properties in addition, this is based on the loving intent that I program into my devices whilst curing and the type of crystals I add to the base mix.

How We Make Our Photon Orgone Devices


Photon Orgone has to be made in a certain way, using certain proven materials, we use three sizes of metal in each unit, and some have metal powder, all have various metal shavings 2mm-5mm in length.

We also combine up to 10 different metals together to make the Photon Orgone Unit which is super conductive so it generates Optimal levels Of Orgone Energy.

Every Photon Orgone Unit has a small amount of (due to the price) 23k Gold & Silver flakes. I have also added Colloidal silver soaked steel wool (Wilhelm Reich used wool in his accumulators) Aluminium, Iron, Titanium, Solder Wire & Copper either in powdered or particle form, I have determined that this is the best possible combination of metals in order to conduct and radiate the full colour spectrum as my devices are based on colour therapy too.

We put a combination of crystals, minerals, fossils, Monatomic Gold (orme) into the mix to enhance its properties in powdered and crystal form.

The majority of my devices have one double terminated Magnetic Copper Wire Wrapped Lemurian Crystal, plus four other double terminated crystals pointing towards each corner. This attunes the Orgone Unit to the Frequency and Axis of the earth (all you need to do is point one corner North) thus amplifying the Photon Orgone Pyramid Tenfold. Another amplification technique we have used is a coil made with a magnetic copper wire thus harmonizing the flow of Orgone Energy in a clockwise manner.

When making Photon Orgone, we are totally pure (before every unit is made we bathe ensuring we are clean) we make our Photon Orgone only when we are in a good mood or with a clear trouble free mind, we program our units with good vipations and positive energy using our thoughts and a Power wand, we also have the NEW earth frequency of 3.5hz playing in the background to further attune our Photon Orgone units with the earth.

Every item that goes into our Photon Orgone Units has been charged under a 1 foot pyramid or under our 6 foot pyramid where we make our units, they are also kept in our 6 foot pyramid whilst curing surrounded by a circle of orgonites pyramids to protect them from harmful energies and negative programming, I also have painted my workshop with radiation proof paint to ensure that they do not absorb any negative energies.


We at Photon Orgone believe in making the highest quality Orgone products relying on the very best materials and following a precise method of production to ensure that you gain maximum benefits from the end product.

However, there are many Orgonites vendors selling orgonites incorrectly labelled they use more resin than metal.... which means it’s not ORGONITES!

We at Photon Orgone make orgonites that works!

Over the last ten years we have purchased around 50 pieces of Orgonite products from various vendors from eBay and other the internet sites. We then tested them using a Life-force meter and our Psychics who can actually see Positive/negative energy omitting from a person or unit.

25% of the products purchased and tested showed no signs of producing high levels Orgone energy as low at 15% Orgone energy output compared to Photon Orgone Orgonites, 25% did work but their Orgone output was weak (on average 45%) the other 25% made the product correctly on average 85% Orgone Energy Output. These results have been compared to our units and photos and videos will be uploaded to YouTube and my site shortly.

As well as other materials, a good strength working orgonites unit needs a 50/50 mix of resin and metal.

Too many vendors put hardly any metal in their orgonites meaning it’s NOT ORGONITES!

It’s an ornament!

Thus MEANING it will do nothing, even if it has, coils, 10 crystals etc. in the mix.

Delivery Payment Returns Terms & Conditions About us

• All items are all custom made therefor please allow up to 5-10 days delivery for UK and Europe.

• Please allow 7-14 days delivery for the rest of the world.

We will accept and prefer PayPal.

Cheque made payable to S Williamson and posted to Photon Orgone 11 Fairstone Hill Oadby Leicester LE25RL.

Credit & Debit Card.

Local collection is possible from Leicester.

Returning Unwanted Items - If you wish to exchange your order, please return the item with a note asking for what item you require it to be swapped for. We are happy to refund unwanted items that are returned to us within 7 days.

Please enclose a note quoting your order number, the items you are returning, and stating that the items are unwanted, and you require a refund.

For the return of high value goods, we recommend that you use a recorded delivery service, as we cannot be responsible for non-delivery of returned items.

Incorrect or Faulty items - Should you receive any items that you did not order, or that prove to be faulty, you can return them to the following address, provided you are returning the item from within the UK:

Photon Orgone 11 Fairstone Hill Oadby Leicester LE25RL

Please enclose a note quoting your order number, what you are returning, the nature of the fault, and specifying whether you require the correct item to be sent out, or a refund. Overseas customers should use the following address, and any postage costs can be refunded to the payment card. Be sure to detail these costs in your note:

Photon Orgone 11 Fairstone Hill Oadby Leicester LE25RL

All goods that are returned to Photon Orgone are the responsibility of the customer and you may wish to send goods by registered post. We are not liable for goods that do not reach us.

We do not accept responsibility or liability for any product that we sell, we do not claim that our items are designed to treat or cure illnesses and my products are for experimental purposes only. The products may have sharp edges and corners we do not accept responsibility to injury or illness due to any of the above. We recommend that you consult your doctor or health care professional before using any of our items. By purchasing the products I sell you agree to this statement.


I 100% guarantee the quality of my items with a money back offer: If you are not completely satisfied with the product after receipt please return within 7 days for a full refund.

Welcome to my eBay store my name is Suli and I have been helping people for nearly 15 years now. I love it it’s the best job in the world and has an amazing sense of satisfaction. I only sell products that I give to my family and use myself I have found this is the most accurate way to test and retrieve feedback on something.

My background is Native American Indian Crystal and Colour Therapy Healing. These two proven methods have been incorporated into my Orgonites with very positive results as you can see from my feedback over many years.

You will be able to see my testimonials page at the bottom of this page.

I have also created a blog you will be able to locate this on by looking at the bottom of this page.

I also create custom devices which you can design yourself you can obtain more details from either of my sites or contacting me on the eBay message system at the bottom of the page.

I currently have a few items on 25% off so please have a look at my website.

I am currently training in Holistic Nutrition and Herbalism and am currently set to graduate by the end of the year. I have decided to create two sites, one is a blog with lots of health guides and information and my main website which sells products that have taken me nearly 24 months to source as I wanted the most potent products with no fillers or chemicals both sites are being worked on so I may not have all my products listed at the time of viewing as I am updating all the while. If you are looking for something specific please send me an email.

You will also find me on the following social networks:

The majority of my devices have one double terminated Magnetic Copper Wire Wrapped Lemurian Crystal, plus four other double terminated crystals pointing towards each corner. This attunes the Orgone Unit to the Frequency and Axis of the earth (all you need to do is point one corner North) thus amplifying the Photon Orgone Pyramid Tenfold. Another amplification technique we have used is a coil made with a magnetic copper wire thus harmonizing the flow of Orgone Energy in a clockwise manner. I am currently training in Holistic Nutrition and Herbalism and am currently set to graduate by the end of the year. I have decided to create two sites, one is a blog with lots of health guides and information and my main website which sells products that have taken me nearly 24 months to source as I wan