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Mars Wide Coat King Professional Dog Grooming Comb Hair Rakes

This is one of our best selling items of grooming equipment. Mars Coat kings have the traditional wooden handle and are German engineered so you know they are of the highest quality. Coat Kings are truly the groomer's friend and will remove even the toughest tangle or matt. It cuts, strips, and combs in one easy time-saving operation. Helps to reduce grooming repetitive strain injuries (RSI) too.

Wide Coat king covers more surface area making them ideal for larger dogs. 18 blades would be the start of the wide range with the 30 blade version being the finest in this range.

Quick Guide:

  • Use coarse styles to comb out the undercoat, fine styles for finishing.
  • The softer the coat, the finer the gap between the blades. 
  • The longer the coat, the finer the gap between the blades.
  • Short coated dogs use the closest, finest gap.
  • For Long & Wire coats first, use a course Coat King and then the fine one.
  • (The finer the gap between the blades the more blades).