E95 - Yearly Rated #1 Home Elliptical Under $2,000!!

Awarded "Best Elliptical" even when classified in the above $2000 price category.

Some features include:

The ramp angle is fully adjustable from 0 to 20 levels of incline, allowing you to individually target and work all major lower body muscle groups, as well as handlebars for upper body exercise for a total body workout. Stationary handlebars with built-in pulse sensors for monitoring your heart rate.

It also includes oversized foot pedals with durable foam cushioning, allowing for additional comfort during workouts. The unique foot pedals were designed with a 2-degree inward slope to each pedal. This slight adjustment helps to reduce ankle and knee stress common in other elliptical machines. This collaboration also produced a revolutionary foot pedal angle adjustment not found on any other elliptical at any price.

Not everyone walks the same way, so we made the E95 pedals adjustable to fit the way you walk. This adjustment is made using a dial called a "worm drive," which allows you to dial in exactly where you want the pedal to be angled. This feature also reduces numb toe effects and sore Achilles tendons, common occurrences on other elliptical machines.

The E95 now includes an integrated tablet holder so you can use your smart devices to watch shows or follow workout routines. Also included is a USB port for charging and Bluetooth Audio Speakers so you can listen to music.