Consecrated Copper Ring - MEDIUM (Snake Ring / Sarpasutra)

Copper Snake Ring: A Sacred Symbol of Stability and Energies

Discover the profound significance of the Copper Snake Ring, meticulously crafted and consecrated at the sacred Isha Yoga Centre. This small-sized ring is not just a piece of jewelry; it holds a deeper spiritual purpose within the yogic tradition.

The Ring Finger in Yogic Rituals:

In the yogic tradition, each finger has a unique role to play in rituals, and the ring finger holds a special significance. It is the finger used to apply vibhuthi (sacred ash) or kumkum, symbolizing purity and devotion. When a seeker wears a metal ring, especially one made of copper or silver, on the ring finger, it serves as a stabilizing force for the body and provides the essential support for their spiritual practices or sadhana.

The Healing Properties of Metals:

Throughout ancient times, various metals like copper, gold, silver, and brass have been recognized for their healing properties. Copper, in particular, is known for its ability to conduct energy and promote balance within the body and mind. By wearing a copper ring, you align yourself with the natural healing energies of this metal.

Carefully Crafted and Consecrated:

The Copper Snake Ring is more than just a piece of jewelry; it is a spiritual tool crafted with precision and devotion. Created under the guidance of Sadhguru at the Isha Yoga Centre, it undergoes a sacred process of consecration before being offered to seekers like you. Each ring is a vessel of divine energy and spiritual significance.

Enhance Your Energies:

Meant to be worn at all times, this Copper Snake Ring is a constant companion on your spiritual journey. It enhances your energies, stabilizes your being, and serves as a reminder of your commitment to inner growth and well-being.

A Symbol of Spiritual Connection:

By adorning this ring, you establish a deeper connection to the spiritual teachings and practices of yoga. It becomes a symbol of your dedication to self-discovery and inner transformation.

Embrace the Sacred Tradition:

Embrace the sacred tradition of using metal rings to support your spiritual journey. Let the Copper Snake Ring be a source of stability, balance, and enhanced energies as you embark on your path of self-realization and growth.