A Wonderful, Fast, Easy and Potent Tincture. All Natural and Safe and Easy to Use Parasite Cleanse or a Parasite Detox Tincture. Made from a blend of powerful herbs, all natural with the legendary Wormwood as the main ingredient with Walnut Hulls, Mugwort and Cloves and a few others make this parasite cleanse Safe Potent Easy and Fast! 

Experience Renewed Vitality with Our Potent Parasite Cleanse Detox Tincture!

What customers are saying: (Real ebay feedback - You can check :) 
CHECK THIS OUT: This tincture Had everything I wanted,in one bottle. It WORKS FAST! Was using the off the shelf kind & still had to re dose after 2 weeks. The results of the Drugstore Version weren’t great,even with 2nd dose. But this Lords of Spice tincture worked within hours. Got rid of the Full grown & Eggs. Unbelievable. Amazing!!

AND THIS ONE: This product has literally saved my life! It’s fast, effective and while the taste is off putting, the results are worth it. Amazing product ! C.A.

FREE SHIPPING! -  Dropper Bottle 2 oz (Large Bottle) 
Note: We also cary 1 oz sizes.


This information is intended to be useful in the professional use of herbal formulas. This information is not intended to replace medical healthcare. This information is written for educational and historic purposes only and not taken as medical advice. If a medical condition is present, it would be smart to consult with a healthcare professional. We make no claims to cure or prevent any illness and are FDA compliant. 

INGREDIENTS: (the contents) 

Wormwood, black walnut hulls, pumpkin seed, clove, oregano, senna, anise, fennel, rosemary, garlic, astragalus, quassia bark, 

ACTIONS: (the science)

These herbs contain strong bitter compounds, which cause strong secretions of the digestive system and related canals. The vermifuge and vermicide activity is also very powerful against worms, amoebas and parasites of all kinds.

INDICATIONS: (the purpose)

This tincture is to be used whenever there is a suspicion or likelihood of a broad range of parasite infection, including tapeworms (large), round worms (medium), ringworms (small) Pinworms (small) microbial growth and other parasite activity. This tincture can be used both internally and externally and is safe when used in moderate. 

USAGE (the action)

The historic uses has always been 30-40 drops, 3-5 times a day for a minimum of 3 days. Do not use longer than 3 weeks. You can place drops in hot water to help speed up the action. More may be needed to help with eggs, as they usually have a hard shell like matter.  Some people report seeing results in as little as 2 hours, while other often see results in 2-3 days on average. Stay away from areas, foods and things that parasites thrive on during the process. 


Do not use this compound if you are pregnant or are nursing. Do not use this product if there are serious health concerns, or a chronic illness, without first consulting with you doctor.

ALLERGY (reactions)

There are no known allergies present, but proceed with caution. Test tincture with 5 drops to see if a reaction develops. This tincture does not contain nuts, wheat, soy or grains. Because of the nature of wild harvested herbs, pollen from other botanicals may be present in all wild crafted herbs. 

**Product Description:**
Unlock a world of vibrant health and renewed energy with our extraordinary Parasite Cleanse Detox Tincture. Crafted with a powerful blend of nature's finest herbs, including Wormwood, Walnut Hull, Cloves, and more, this 1 oz dropper bottle holds the key to a revitalized you.

**Embrace a Life Rejuvenated:**
Imagine a life unburdened by the hidden invaders that sap your vitality and drain your zest for living. Our Parasite Cleanse Detox Tincture is carefully formulated to target these unwanted guests, naturally restoring your body's equilibrium. Say goodbye to sluggishness and embrace boundless energy, one drop at a time.

**Nature's Potent Synergy:**
Wormwood, renowned for centuries for its remarkable parasite-fighting properties, combines harmoniously with Walnut Hull and Cloves to create a synergy that's simply unmatched. This potent trifecta delivers a knockout punch to parasites, providing a thorough cleanse that's gentle on your system yet devastating to unwanted guests.

**Easy, Fast, and Effective:**
We understand the urgency of your desire to break free from the clutches of parasites. Our Parasite Cleanse Detox Tincture is designed with your convenience in mind. Just a few drops a day is all it takes to embark on your journey to a healthier, happier you. Feel the effects quickly as our carefully selected blend gets to work, leaving you amazed at how simple and effective detoxing can be.

**Reclaim Your Well-being:**
It's not just about physical health; it's about reclaiming your emotional well-being too. Picture the newfound sense of freedom as your body rids itself of unwelcome invaders. Experience a renewed sense of lightness and positivity, as you embrace each day with newfound enthusiasm.

**Unleash Your Full Potential:**
Don't let parasites hold you back any longer. Unleash your full potential with our Parasite Cleanse Detox Tincture. Empower your body to function optimally, and let your spirit soar to new heights. Embrace a life free from the shackles of fatigue, discomfort, and diminished vitality.

**Order Now and Embrace Renewal:**
The path to rejuvenation starts with a single step. Order now and take that step towards a life reinvigorated. Experience the power of nature's finest ingredients working in harmony to give you the vitality you deserve. Your journey to a parasite-free, energetic lifestyle awaits.

Discover the power of nature's bounty with our Parasite Cleanse Tincture, a potent liquid herbal extract formulated to combat unwelcome parasites and promote your overall well-being. 

WHAT CREAL PEOPLE ARE SAYING: (real feedback-you can check)

**Banish Parasites Naturally:**
Unwanted parasites lurking within your body can wreak havoc on your health and vitality. Our Parasite Cleanse Tincture harnesses the natural properties of Black Walnut Hulls, Clove, and Wormwood to effectively target and eliminate parasites at every stage of their life cycle. Regain control over your body and experience a renewed sense of energy and well-being.

**Powerful Triple Threat:**
Black Walnut Hulls, renowned for their potent anti-parasitic properties, work in harmony with Clove and Wormwood to create a triple-threat formula. Black Walnut Hulls and Wormwood act as a dynamic duo, eliminating adult and developing parasites, while Clove effectively tackles eggs and larvae. This synergistic blend ensures a comprehensive cleanse that's both gentle and effective.

**Your Path to Wellness:**
Parasites can infiltrate even the healthiest of lifestyles. From untreated water to human-to-human transmission, there are numerous ways they can find their way into your system. Fortunately, our Parasite Cleanse Tincture offers a natural solution. This carefully crafted remedy empowers you to take back control of your body and wellness, ensuring you can live your life to the fullest.

**Easy Dosage, Lasting Results:**
Our recommended dosage of 30 drops, three times a day for 14 days, makes incorporating this tincture into your routine a breeze. The bottle contains the optimal amount for a full cleanse. Remember, a parasite cleanse is recommended no more than twice a year to maintain optimal balance within your body.

**Simple Ingestion Options:**
We've designed our tinctures with your comfort in mind. While the tincture contains 40% grain alcohol for preservation, there are multiple ways to take it:
- Place drops directly under the tongue and follow with water, juice, or your preferred fluid.
- Mix drops into an ounce of liquid for easy consumption.
- For children and those averse to alcohol, you can evaporate alcohol by heating on low heat, preserving the benefits without the harsh taste.

**Uncompromising Quality:**
Our commitment to quality is unwavering. Pure Health tinctures stand out for their 40% grain alcohol content, ensuring sterility and purity. We prioritize the concentration of active ingredients, using non-irradiated cloves to retain their potency. Our tinctures are a powerful and fast-acting alternative to herbal teas and capsules, designed to maximize benefits and last for years.

**Your Wellness, Our Priority:**
Bid farewell to invasive parasites and welcome a new era of well-being with our Parasite Cleanse Tincture. With over two times the active ingredients compared to other suppliers, our tinctures stand as a testament to our dedication to quality and effectiveness. Take the step towards a healthier you today.

Please note that the information provided has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult a licensed healthcare professional before use. By purchasing this product, you agree to the terms outlined and assume responsibility for its use.

Tags: Parasite Cleanse, Detox Tincture, Wormwood, Walnut Hull, Cloves, Natural Herbs, Potent Formula, Vitality, Renewed Energy, Health, Rejuvenation, Synergy, Easy-to-Use, Fast Results, Emotional Well-being, Unleash Potential, Order Now. Herbal Products, natural health and healing, herbal detox and herbal cleanse.