Assembled Bow and Arrow Toy Set Archery Kids Playing Shooting Target 3Arrow

Function Explain:
Basic Shooting Technique  
Stance: Stand perpendicular to the line to the target, with feed naturally apart.

Make sure the bow can swing freely after the arrow is shot, the bow should be placed between the thump and index finger, which form a V shape.

If you hold the bow with your left hand, you need to nock the arrow in the crook of your left arm, and then set the arrow shaft on the arrow rest, with the index feather of the arrow and the bowstring and the nock of the arrow are firmly held together.

Draw the bowstring with three fingers, the upper two fingers should slightly hold the end of the arrow at the same time, pull the bowstring backward till the right hand reaches the same anchor point, this plays a great part in aiming and hitting the target.

Aim on instinct or with the help of the sight on the bow, if you want to on instinct, you should open both eyes and aim at the target, if sight is used point the pin of the sight at the target before releasing the bowstring.

Make sure the bowstring has been fully drawn, also remember to take a deep inhale before drawing and hold your breath, lightly let go the three fingers holding the arrow to release the bowstring.

Follow Through:
To shoot accurately  you need to hold the release position until the arrow is safely launched onto the target, this is an important point for good shooting.