Embrace the eco-conscious charm of our Chocolate Lab plush from Aurora's Eco-Nation collection, a delightful pup with a purpose. Run your fingers through the luxurious chocolate-brown fur that blankets this lab and experience a cuddle like no other. And here's the icing on the cake - this cozy coat of fabric is crafted from 100% recycled plastic bottles, ensuring every snuggle is a step towards sustainability. Its expressive embroidered eyes not only captivate but also champion eco-friendliness by replacing plastic with care. Searching for the perfect gift that marries playfulness and responsibility? Look no further! This Chocolate Lab is a cuddly testament to eco-conscious choices, an ideal present for birthdays, holidays, or any occasion that calls for smiles. Beyond being a plush pet, it's an avenue to educate and enlighten, teaching young and old alike about the importance of environmental stewardship through the joy of huggable companionship.
Established in 1981, Aurora World is a renowned global leader in plush toys and high-quality gift products. They offer a wide range of branded and licensed products for both children and adults, distributed through various retailers worldwide. With over 35 years of experience, we have helped spark imaginations through our diverse line of plush toys. In recent years, Aurora World has made a significant move towards eco-friendly practices. Utilizing recycled materials they have made triumph in reducing their environmental impact. Their ultimate goal remains to bring smiles to people around the world while contributing to a greener future.