Paul Hornung Signed One of a Kind Photo 1950's. Shows Paul Hornung and I would assume his wife or woman athlete arrving in Syracuse New York airport aboard Mohawk Airlines. It was taken buy a gentleman named Pete who was a sports reporter for the Utica N. Y. newspaper.  It resided in his scrapbook for decades until his estate released much of his memorabilia.  As you can see, the autograph was taped over in an attempt to preserve it, which was common back then. The tape is long gone and the signature is still clear and readable. Also, the photo was cut in half for some reason, possibility just to fit it in to the scrapbook. Glue marks on the reverse side. In any case, it is a unique ONE OF A KIND image of Notre Dame and Green Bay great, Hall of Famer Paul Hornung - and likely never seen outside of Pete's scrapbook.  All inquiries welcome.