SBL Ginko Biloba 1X (25g)

Improves Blood Circulation in Brain, Improves Memory, Relieves weakness, 
Relieves tinnitus and buzzing, Alleviates vertigo

SBL Ginkgo Biloba Tablet is a homoeopathic medicine that contains the extract of Ginkgo Biloba, a tree known for its therapeutic properties. This medicine is primarily indicated for insufficient cerebral circulation and associated complaints such as tinnitus (ringing in the ears), buzzing, and vertigo (dizziness). It is formulated to help improve blood flow to the brain and alleviate symptoms related to poor circulation. Ginkgo Biloba is also believed to have cognitive-enhancing effects and may help enhance memory, concentration, and mental alertness.

Key Ingredients:

Key Benefits:

Directions For Use:
Use as directed by a healthcare professional

Safety Information: