- What kind of python fat can treat stretch marks?

➡️ It is the 75gr Pure Python Fat, the brown bottle below treats stretch marks very well.

- Can I use python fat while pregnant?

➡️ Should apply python fat from the 3rd month of pregnancy is the best time to prevent and treat early stretch marks.

      100% natural python fat is very benign for pregnant women, not only used to apply stretch marks, but also can be combined with coriander to treat melasma instead, or use fat serum for facial skin care.

- Does applying python grease during pregnancy will not crack?

During pregnancy, the abdominal skin is stretched and prone to cracks, with young skin such as biceps and calves, the same situation will be experienced when the pregnant mother gradually gains weight.

      At this time, pregnant women use python fat early, which will help moisturize the skin, increase elasticity, minimize cracking. And with the cracks that have just appeared, python fat also promptly heals and heals the skin immediately.

       But each person's body is different, causing more or less different stretch marks. You can continue to use python fat until after giving birth when the body has many stretch marks.

- Can I use python fat if I'm not pregnant, but have stretch marks due to weight gain during puberty?

➡️ Both are stretch marks due to the same stretching of the skin, python fat will still have an effect on stretch marks due to weight gain.


- After giving birth with stretch marks, is it effective to start using python fat?

➡️ The newer the stretch mark, the more effective the healing ability of python fat. So after giving birth, use python fat as soon as possible. In the first year will be the best recovery.

- Can python fat treat stretch marks that have been around for a long time?

➡️ Although python fat has the ability to regenerate and restore the skin very well, but with long-standing stretch marks, it will be difficult to improve. It may take a long time to use and the effect will not be much.