LED Nightlight

Gentlemen  - of a certain age - does your partner complain that you disturb them with your nocturnal visits to the loo?  Solve maybe a little bit of that problem with this!   What price for marital harmony when away in your caravan or motorhome?  £3.99 it would seem!

Rather than disturbing them by switching the light on, this is a little battery-powered LED light with a sensor built in - so it only switches on when someone walks within range, and only at night

It was originally intended to go over the edge of the bowl of a toilet, but there's no reason why you can't just put it over the edge of a shelf or wrap it around a shower rail.  The wire from the battery/sensor unit to the light is stiff and can be bent into position.  Powered by 3 AAA batteries (not included), being LED they last for ages.  Shines in 8 different colours, can be set on one or set to rotate between them if you really like, if you can decipher the dubious English in the instructions!

Extensively tested in the Parrotsol motorhome, we can report that as a result marital harmony has been preserved.  Well, a little bit of what's left of it anyway!

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