Vintage Men's Casio Ca-501 Watch.I see your nerd and I raise you. Your chance to own an ancestor of todays smart watches. Back in the 80's this was the state of tech. A wrist watch/calculator with oh so tiny buttons. I guess it was better than maxwell smarts shoe phone. Impress your friends with your keen eyesight and dexterity, ability to calculate 15% restaurant tips. Oh those tiny buttons, What was I thinking? Warning you might require an elderly person to show you how to operate it. How do you like that band? No troublesome link removal required LOL. In the interest of Full disclosure . I replaced the battery 10/17. I had a devil of time trying to figure out the battery clip. Not wanting to break it or tear the insulator. because it is so slim I was able to carefully slide the battery out the side. I saw no signs of leakage from the original. Put the new one in. On these you also have to perform a hard reset, there is a little contact next to a really small ac stamped in some metal by the point you have to touch with metal to the case . The display came on, also there is little spring that pushes against the back. That popped out, god help you finding that thing. I must be blessed because I found it and put it back where it was. I should have taken a picture. I was so happy to get the battery replaced. I forgot. I also checked the hourly signal function it beeps, as well as the stop watch and calculator.