SAVO for elimination of mold, algae and fungi.

It works against vegetative forms of mold, algae, fungi. It has a disinfecting action easy to use, it facilitates the elimination of mold in hard to reach places extremely effective properties.

Suitable for use on wood, plaster and paint the exterior walls and interior.

Immediate effect. Action fungicides and disinfectants appears immediately after application.

The formulation is effective against: microscopic fibrous fungi algae mold. It has high antibacterial properties.

Destiny: It is used to eliminate the mold on the walls, black raids (mold) in the gaps, joints between the tiles in the bathroom, near bathtubs, sinks, for kitchen furniture, windows, doors, etc.

He will find use in rooms with increased humidity and susceptibility to mold formation. in bathrooms, laundries, baths, saunas, swimming pools, communal hygiene, food storage, etc..

Approximate consumption is at least 50 ml/m2 of plaster, wall, or wood.

Dosage Apply: on the affected site preparation by spray at a distance of 10-15 cm , and after 15-20 minutes can place cleaned with water or leave the preparation to dry.

Do not remove the mildew before spraying, to avoid spreading the dangerous spores. In the case of surfaces heavily infested action repeated several times.

The product has a bleaching effect. Ventilate rooms well until the chlorine odor disappears.

Do not use on anodized aluminum and linoleum.